
Benny Hoynes's picture

Springtime in Northern Norway

From my weekend trip to Offersøy, Lødingen/Vestbygd, Nordland, Northern Norway. may 22, 2015, the sun shining, and clouds came in now and then, some rain came over us, but still, the sun wasn`t far away.


Springtime in Northern Norway. Photographer Benny Høynes

Telemarkfestivalen - an International Folk Music Festival in Norway

by Lexa Pennington /
Lexa Pennington's picture
Jun 05, 2008 / 0 comments

Well, as you may have guessed from previous articles here on, I am addicted to music festivals! I am always searching for them, wherever I go. I recently found out about the Telemark International Folk Music Festival, or Telemarkfestivalen, in Bo, Telemark, Norway, held each July. This music festival presents authentic folk music from around the world, and offers more than 200 concerts and performances, as well as workshops and classes for all ages.
