
Asako Maruoka's picture

Making a Life in Education

Education is a fundamental piece of modern life. Most people begin school around age six, but oftentimes one will begin in preschool around the age of 4 or 5. Education is essential to the growth and development of a nation, and there is always a need for more educators. A career in education will not only benefit your own life, but the lives of all the students you encounter in your career.

A Real Father's Love

The much-loved FATHER – Stratis Evangelinelis – of my dear friend and host here in Athens – Christos Evangelinelis died this week after several dignified weeks in which he had the grace and good-will to say "good-bye" to his family, long-time friends, and former students and colleagues. 

Living the Questions: Music for the Journey

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Jul 16, 2018 / 0 comments

Living the questions: that's a philosophical concept – or at least, suggestion – which shows up in many ways people have tried to understand life across the centuries. Music is, or can be, a part of living with and through questions, both as companion and as source of ideas.

Often, in this series of stories, the idea of questions has come up. As unexpected changes continue in the world's political and social spheres, here are four more songs which have good questions at their heart.

Lexa Pennington's picture

5 Awesome Bulletin Board Decoration Ideas You Should Explore

Do you want to make learning fun? If yes, then you need to think out of the box. You want to encourage your students to learn. One of the best ways to make education fun is by coming up with attractive classroom bulletin boards that enhance what they are studying, whether it is literature, nature's elements, sociology, history, math, etc.

Kerry Dexter's picture

Songs and Tunes of Cape Breton

“There’s a saying in Gaelic that culture is passed on knee to knee, between generations,” says musician Mary Jane Lamond. “My grandparents were Gaelic speakers, so I was always interested in the language. I think I was first drawn to the literary tradition, which is a very oral tradition here on Cape Breton.

Through the eyes of an educator: What if the classroom had no walls?

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Jul 06, 2018 / 0 comments

It’s officially summer in the northern hemisphere. Days of beach frolicking, no alarm clocks, park picnics, and RV tours are met with nights spent following the trail of fireflies, roasting that perfect marshmallow, and watching nature’s evening show as the sun meets the horizon.

These are the cherished days of summer where traditional schooling is flung by the wayside and finding fun reigns supreme.

Bert Maxwell's picture

When in Doubt, Call 911: A Lesson About Negligence

Children are the future, both for their families and for the nation. And as such, they are, in my honest opinion, the nation’s greatest resource. And like every resource that we hold dear, we need to take the utmost care of them.

Story and Place in Music

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Jun 18, 2018 / 0 comments

When you are working on creating something, or solving a problem, or sorting out choices, travel is often a good way to give you new perspectives on what is going on, to refresh your thoughts, to give you new ideas. That is as true when you are considering day to day life or the course of world events. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Travel Blogging for Teachers and Educators

Sometimes two things don’t look as if they go together. On the surface, teaching and travelling don’t seem to be the closest of companions. To teach traditionally, you need to stay with students long enough for them to learn from you. To travel, you need to move from place to place. Not very compatible, right? But fresh ideas, inspirations, and genius come from putting together disparate ideas to make something new. 

Spanish Art Exhibit Reflects Artistic Impact on San Antonio

by Rosie Carbo /
Rosie Carbo's picture
Jun 13, 2018 / 0 comments

The city of San Antonio is celebrating 300 years since its founding by Spanish friars and Spanish settlers with historic events all year. That’s why the “Summer in Spain” initiative focuses specifically on the city’s artistic Spanish heritage.
