Books & Film

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: The National Parks Bucket List: The Ultimate Adventure Journal


Have you ever wanted to visit all of our National Parks, but needed inspiration first? Or perhaps you're in the process of exploring all 63, and need a journal to keep notes? 

Read This: The National Parks Bucket List: The Ultimate Adventure Journal

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: The Cheesemaker's Daughter

I'm here today to highly recommend a beautiful, powerful, intercultural story: The Cheesemaker's Daughter, by Kristin Vuković.

Read This: The Cheesemaker's Daughter

Read This: The Light She Feels Inside

by Lillie Forteau /
Lillie Forteau's picture
Jun 04, 2024 / 0 comments

I was so excited to have this new and diverse children’s book to review: The Light She Feels Inside by Gwendolyn Wallace.  

Read This: The Light She Feels Inside

I hadn’t grown up seeing myself in books—and I always felt that absence so deeply, it hurt sometimes. I have never found something that resonated with my inner child so much as this book. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This Hilarious Middle Reader Book: Matt Sprouts And The Curse Of The Ten Broken Toes

I'm so excited to share an extraordinary, hilarious new book...and an interview with the author! Matt Sprouts And The Curse Of The Ten Broken Toes, written by educator and master storyteller Matt Eicheldinger, is SUCH a joy to read. 

 Matt Sprouts And The Curse Of The Ten Broken Toes

sydneylloyd's picture

Tale of Two Endings: Fatal Attraction

The new Fatal Attraction (2023) series was recently released, then quickly canceled, on Paramount +. Here is a look back on the controversial reception within America and overseas of the 1987 movie of the same name. While I have not seen the television series yet, and the quick cancellation of it can’t be a good sign, it’s left me interested in how the movie has been beloved while also being controversial.

Read This Adorable, Informative, Delicious Book: The Soil in Jackie's Garden

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Apr 22, 2024 / 0 comments

I've got the CUTEST book to share with you and your small ones today, apropos as it is Earth Day. It will inspire and educate kids and their grownups about how to compost, garden, and reap the rewards of gardening. The Soil in Jackie's Garden, written by Peggy Thomas with art by Neely Daggett, is fun, beautiful, and inspiring. 

Teagan Rowland's picture

Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind: Why it is worth seeing

There are a lot of films that are recommended as "must watch" or "worth the watch," but I'm here to tell you that Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind is truly worth the hour and forty-eight minutes of running time. 

Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind: Why it is worth seeing

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: Keith Taylor's All the Time You Want: Selected Poems, 1977 - 2017


You know how a book of poems grabs you and doesn't let go? 

Read This: Keith Taylor's All the Time You Want

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: Secret Michigan: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure

Do you ever think you'd like to learn some weird and wonderful things about where you live or travel? Perhaps there's a secret speakeasy in your town, or you're headed somewhere new and would like to get off the tourist trail. 
Well, if you live in or are coming to visit Michigan, I've got the book for you!
Read This: Secret Michigan: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure
Ali R. Jaber's picture

Read This: Lebanon: A Chronicle of Resilience

In his poignant debut book, Lebanon: A Chronicle of Resilience, Ali R. Jaber, a Lebanese American student at the University of Michigan Dearborn, unveils a compelling narrative that delves into the heart of Lebanon's enduring spirit. Through vivid storytelling and personal reflections, Jaber offers readers a rare glimpse into the complexities of his homeland, exploring themes of perseverance, identity, and hope.
