
Music for Love, Justice, and Community

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Jul 15, 2024 / 0 comments

Times are shifting indeed, all across the world.

There are many ways music can come into such changing circumstances. That is an idea we’ve continued to explore through the years in this ongoing series.

Music for Love, Justice, and Community

Perhaps you feel the need of songs to rally around, to sing together?

Music for Centering and Focus

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Jun 17, 2024 / 0 comments

As circumstances of all sorts continue to shift, and information of all sorts arrives from all directions, making time for centering and focus can be useful.

It can also be challenging.

Music can help with that. Giving the time needed to focus on one song, to center on repeated listenings of a favorite—or a whole orchestra piece or a whole album—can be refreshing. It can also offer space for new ideas to appear, new perspectives to evolve. Both of those may well be needed in these shifting times.

Music Workshop's picture

Beyond the Notes: Unleashing the Cultural and Educational Power of Music

When Ken Burns completed his film about jazz, he said, “I have made a film about jazz that tries to look through jazz to see what it tells us about who we are as a people.” And in his film Country Music, he quotes Merle Haggard saying that country music is “about those things we believe in, but can’t see.…” In these observations, Ken Burns and Merle Haggard capture music’s special impact and role as it touches and enriches all of our lives.

Jianwei Chen's picture

Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo: From Glory To Carnival

When we talk about “military,” what exactly are we thinking? Or rather, what do we imagine for this word? From my perspective as a visitor who grew up in an authoritarian country, before I travelled to Edinburgh, I thought the “military tattoo” was just a synonym for “military parade.” The latter often uses strict formations, precise marching, and almost mechanical uniformity to demonstrate collective power. However, the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo (hereafter referred to as REMT) showed me how they are totally different in an incredible way. 

Connections Through Musical Journeys

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
May 20, 2024 / 0 comments


That’s an idea and a theme that has been part of this series from the first days of Music for Shifting Times. Connection to ideas, to places, to friends, to strangers, to memories: all are good ways to find and renew stability as times continue to shift.

Consider the creative ways these musicians find connection in shifting times.

Connections Through Musical Journeys

Connections and Community: Inspiration Through Music

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Apr 15, 2024 / 0 comments

Music for Shifting Times: that is what we decided to all this series when we began it back almost eight years ago at this writing.

It seemed that things were shifting then; little did anyone know how many ways things would shift across the world.

Need for connection and community have remained constant across these years; so has the role of music in making these connections possible.

You may want to reflect on those ideas as you consider the work of these musicians.

Music for Change, Resilience, and Hope in this Season of Spring

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Mar 18, 2024 / 0 comments

In the season of spring, nature reminds us of change, of resilience, of hope.

Spring months see at least two other times which include elements of change, resilience, and hope in their stories: international celebrations of women, and celebrations of Ireland connected with the time of Saint Patrick’s day in mid-March.

All of those come in to the creativity of the musicians whose work you will find below.

In whichever season you may be reading this, may the work of these artists be a good companion to you.

Music for Wisdom, Hope, and Connection

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Feb 19, 2024 / 0 comments

Many things in the world seem unsettled these days. Events in the news may make circumstances in day to day life seem more challenging, too.

There is wisdom, hope, community, rest, and fresh perspective to be found in music, in many ways and through music of many sorts.

Have a listen to the creativity of these musicians. Seek out their wisdom and ideas through these ever-changing times.

Music for Wisdom, Hope, and Connection

Music for living through changing times

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Jan 15, 2024 / 0 comments

Shifting times seem to be the usual state of things these days. Thinking about and working through the changes such situations bring is something musicians face and consider in their work, too.

Here are aspects of shifting times and living in them through music.

Music for living through changing times

Music for December, a time of hope and reflection

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Dec 19, 2023 / 0 comments

December is a time which invites reflection. That is true wherever you might be, and whatever else may be going on.

December can also be a time of many things to get done, holidays to celebrate, gatherings to attend, travel plans, resolutions for the coming year...

Each of those activities will benefit from a bit of space, a bit of time for reflection. That may come before, during, after you take part, of course—and music is a fine way to invite reflection and a fine companion alongside quiet consideration, as well.
