Books & Film

The Teaching Brain: Changing the Field of Education

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Oct 05, 2017 / 0 comments

Never ever ever ever do you, as a teacher, want to stop learning. It influences the newness of your approach, which influences the receptivity of your students and makes them as excited as you are.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

The Cocktail Guide to the Galaxy

Whether you're already a regular at The Way Station, want to plan a pilgrimage there, or are interested in bringing your fandom into your life via interesting, clever, and delicious cocktails, I've got the book for you. 

The Cocktail Guide to the Galaxy

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Curva Peligrosa

Let me tell you how much I love Curva Peligrosa, a new book by Lily Iona MacKenzie. Curva Peligrosa is by far my favorite fiction book I've read this year. It's at once magical, inspirational, educational, and supernatural.  

Curva Peligrosa - an author interview with Lily Iona MacKenzie

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Food on Foot: A History of Eating on Trails and In the Wild

I have found THE MOST FASCINATING book on eating outdoors. And I will tell you that once I started the book, I could not put it down (hello, 5am bedtime), and I have recommended it to all my friends who hike, meander, and eat in the wild. It has inspired me to look at being outside differently, and taught me much about food, walking and hiking, history, and culture.

Kerry Dexter's picture

Hebridean Celtic Festival

"We are in a unique location, and you have to have a pioneering spirit to make it all the way up to the festival if you don't have ties here," says Caroline MacLennan, festival director of the Hebridean Celtic Festival -- Fèis Cheilteach Innse Gall in Scotttish Gaelic. The place she's speaking of is the Isle of Lewis, the northernmost island of the Western Isles, some forty miles off the north west coast of Scotland.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Canoeing Michigan's Rivers

Canoeing - it sounds romantic, doesn't it? My aunt and uncle had their first date while canoeing a Michigan river. My parents gave my husband and I a double kayak for our wedding present. I am a nature photographer, and most of my photographs are taken out on the lake, during a quiet paddle. Every other week our daughter and I go out and clean up the lake, picking up people's trash.

It is all about the water, and how you can truly experience nature by being on it.

Kerry Dexter's picture

Music from Little House on the Prairie

Little House on the Prairie: even if you’ve never been to the American midwest, these words bring up images -- images which seem like memories, really -- of life at the edge of pioneer times in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Dakotas a century and a half ago.

Kerry Dexter's picture

Music Holiday Favorites

Whether you make it for a living or listen for fun -- or both -- music is a central part of the winter holiday season. Listen in as those whose music you enjoy offer ideas about music they like to hear or play this time of year.

Music Holiday Favorites

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Elephants: A Charming and Important Picture Book for Young Kids

One of the most important things we can do for young kids is to read to them - and teach about the world, through those books. One such book that I just love is called Elephants, a simple, loving, and beautiful picture book that teaches about this incredible animal, as well as elephant conservation.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

A Blue Sheep? Teaching Kids about Acceptance and Diversity

One of our favorite authors, Gabrielle Yetter, has a new book that we're delighted to share with our wandering educators. Entitled Martha the Blue Sheep, it's a story of fitting in - or not, of taking care of those in need, of good deeds and celebrating life. It's a lovely tale, beautifully and colorfully illustrated by Daro Sam and Monnyreak Ket. It has much to teach us about acceptance, helpfulness, and diversity. Read it with your kids, and then find (or be) your own Marthas in life.
