Global Citizenship

Afghanistan Spotlight: The Latest Taliban Guidelines Suppressing Afghan Women

by Olivia Fraser /
Olivia Fraser's picture
Nov 29, 2021 / 0 comments

In most humanitarian crises, the women and children always seem to suffer the most harm

Afghanistan Spotlight: The Latest Taliban Guidelines Suppressing Afghan Women

All You Need To Know About COP26

by Sarah Carter /
Sarah Carter's picture
Nov 11, 2021 / 0 comments
Between October 31st and November 12th 2021, a pivotal event is taking place that will determine how the world will continue to tackle climate change. The United Kingdom is hosting the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP26. This marks a crucial point in climate change history that will determine ‘whether generations look back at this time with admiration or despair.’ 

Afghanistan Spotlight: The Importance of International Cooperation for Afghan Women and Girls

by Olivia Fraser /
Olivia Fraser's picture
Nov 09, 2021 / 0 comments

“Peace is not just silencing the guns.”

 ~ Fawzia Koofi, former Republic Peak Negotiator and first woman Deputy Speaker of Parliament in Afghanistan
Map of Afghanistan. From Afghanistan Spotlight: The Importance of International Cooperation for Afghan Women and Girls

Climate Change: Rising Sea Levels and Displacement

by Sarah Carter /
Sarah Carter's picture
Nov 03, 2021 / 0 comments

In 2020, a concerning new record high in the global mean sea level was documented. An increase in approximately 8-9 inches since 1880 was recorded; over a third of this increase has happened within the last two decades. ii Sea levels are continuing to rise and at an alarming rate, jeopardising the lives and livelihood of many human beings.

Climate change: Rising sea levels and displacement

Afghanistan Spotlight: Historical Context and Transnational Feminism for Afghan Women

by Olivia Fraser /
Olivia Fraser's picture
Oct 20, 2021 / 0 comments


Throughout time in the Middle East, women have been considered second class citizens and have had to fight for their basic human rights.

Afghanistan Spotlight: Historical Context and Transnational Feminism for Afghan Women

Climate Change and Inequality: Does Climate Change Discriminate?

by Sarah Carter /
Sarah Carter's picture
Oct 07, 2021 / 0 comments

Does Climate Change Discriminate?

Climate Change and Inequality...Does Climate Change Discriminate?

Women’s Human Right to Education in Afghanistan

by Olivia Fraser /
Olivia Fraser's picture
Oct 01, 2021 / 0 comments

On 30th August 2021, the US military departed from Afghanistan, ending a 20-year occupation, which led to the ongoing Taliban takeover. As the current events in Kabul continue to unfold, the reality of the impact of women’s human rights in Afghanistan becomes more of a threat as each day passes. 

Women’s Human Right to Education in Afghanistan

Linking Human Rights and Climate Change

by Sarah Carter /
Sarah Carter's picture
Sep 21, 2021 / 0 comments

Whether you think you are or not, everyone is affected by climate change. The climate crisis urgently needs individual and international attention.Human beings are the primary cause of the situation that we are currently in, and all humans are suffering the consequences of our collective actions.

Linking Human Rights and Climate Change

Jillian McRae's picture

Global Citizenship Education in Nicaragua with Nobis

It’s a bit bizarre when I turn on the television and see Nicaraguans outraged, chanting, marching, hiding their identities in a revolutionary stance. The images on the screen don’t align with my personal images of home cooked meals, family run farms, and revolution on a quieter level, but that was 2017 and this is now… 

Claire Bennett's picture

Want to Volunteer Abroad? Read this first…

The many ways that volunteering abroad can be harmful are being exposed in the media with increasing frequency.
