
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

#TeachAbroadBecause You will Live Life Fully!

Sandra Kennedy has traveled extensively in China, Tibet, Europe, Ecuador, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Morocco, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, United States, Tahiti, and the Cook Islands. She taught eight years for American Internationals Schools in Paris, Lima, and Lisbon.

Top 7 Useful Apps for TEFL Educators

by Lexa Pennington /
Lexa Pennington's picture
Mar 18, 2015 / 0 comments

Teaching a second language is an important job in the schools of many countries. If you are interested in seeing the world and teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL), you might want to consider some apps for the new iPhone 6 plus that will make your job easier. EFL teachers can benefit from the countless resources available through iPhone apps designed for both teachers and learners.

Top 7 Useful Apps for TEFL Educators

Going on a Blind Date in the Amazon

Standing on the banks of the Sucasari River as dusk began to settle around me, I strained to hear the sound of approaching boats over the cacophony of rainforest insects and frogs.  


Amazon Apprentices: Mentoring Inquiry in the Rainforest Canopy

What do one tropical canopy researcher, a Minnesota teacher, and a bunch of teenagers have in common? On the surface, not much. But dig a bit deeper, or rather, climb a bit higher, and you will find a shared passion for exploring and understanding the intricacies of the Amazon rainforest canopy!

Canopy Meg and DC Randle. From Amazon Apprentices: Mentoring Inquiry in the Rainforest Canopy

Stacey Ebert's picture

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Berlin

As a traveler, I look for the beauty in the everyday. The colourful sunsets, the peace hidden in the whitecap of a wave, and the freedom exuded by children flying high on the swings are all joys of an adventure.

How to get an A+ in Amazon 101

Bags are packed, equipment checked, guidebooks read and re-read. We are ready! We already know more than the average Joe about the Amazon.  If we were preparing for a test, we’d expect an A+.

What do you do if you are a 3rd grader who desperately wants to visit a rainforest?

What do you do if you are a 3rd grader who desperately wants to visit a rainforest?

Spring Break 2014: Wet and Wild in the Amazon

As students return to their classrooms following Spring break, many will share their stories of beaches with friends and family.  But for thirteen students from the Derryfield School in New Hampshire, the conversation will be very different:

“So what did you do on Spring Break?”

Project Learning Tree Goes to the Amazon and Back!

Are you familiar with one of the BEST environmental education programs in the US? If not, then you need to get to know PROJECT LEARNING TREE (aka PLT)!  This award-winning environmental education program is designed for teachers and other educators, parents, and community leaders working with youth from preschool through grade 12.

New species of STEM discovered in the Amazon!

After poking around in the leaf litter and climbing into the canopy of the Amazon, it seems we might have discovered a new species of STEM. We affectionately call it by its common name, STEMazon.  Although not officially described by STEMologists, we have petitioned to give it a proper scientific name - Stemus amazonicus. 
