
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: Whisper of the Lotus

Ready to travel the world...virtually? Gabrielle Yetter, one of our longtime friends, and the author of MANY books that we've shared here, has a new book out. Whisper of the Lotus is an interesting, heartfelt, and genuine read about finding your self...while exploring a place.

It's one of those books you can't put down, so fair warning for your sleep.

Kerry Dexter's picture

Sir David Attenborough's Journeys to the Other Side of the World: Further Adventures of a Young Naturalist

You might perhaps be familiar with Sir David Attenborough as creator and presenter of well-known and much-awarded television and radio programs including Life on Earth, Civilization, and Blue Planet. He's an elder statesman of sorts of broadcasting, a respected spokesperson for the natural world and about climate change.

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Duties, Responsibilities, and Civic Action

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Nov 02, 2020 / 0 comments

We can all hope we’re lucky to, one day, look back in our rearview mirror and tell stories of life amidst the 2020 pause. It’s November–how are you holding up? Things sure are nutty these days. 

Asako Maruoka's picture

4 Essential Educational Databases for College Students

There was a time when students had to slog through tons of books at their college library to find the materials for their research papers. Nowadays, online databases can help to nail that task in mere seconds. 

Music for Autumn's Quiet

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Oct 22, 2020 / 0 comments

Autumn: it is a time of turning, a time of change, a time for reflection, a time for preparation. It is also a time for telling and hearing stories. The music here, and the stories told through it, will work in many situations and seasons. They are especially relevant to all the turns and changes and quiet reflection needed to navigate which come with autumn. Each of the pieces has to do with journeys of one sort or another, as well.

Sally Gallot-Reeves's picture

Growing Together Through Openness: The Art of Allowing

Think about how many people there are in the world. Too many to count, too many to know, so many!

Bert Maxwell's picture

Why Rice Makes For Great Meals

Eating is something that is required in order for one to stay fit and healthy. However, it can also be an enjoyable experience. The tastes, the smells, and sometimes the entire process are exciting and entertaining. Knowing that you are keeping your friends and family healthier with safe and thoroughly cooked food doesn’t hurt, either. That being said, when it comes to food today, you’ll have more options available than imaginable. Despite this, rice still remains an immense favorite amongst many, world-wide. Want to know exactly why this is the case?

Stasia Lopez's picture

Mike Dudjak: #CommunityCollegeBecause ... it is a great, affordable way to continue your education

Mike Dudjak was a CCAC student from 1997-1999 (attended CCAC-Allegheny & CCAC-South) then transferred to West Liberty University and graduated with a Bachelor's of Science Degree. Currently he’s a Paraprofessional at Springdale Jr/Sr High School and Head Women's Basketball Coach at CCAC.

Mike Dudjak: #CommunityCollegeBecause ... it is a great, affordable way to continue your education

Justin Starr: #CommunityCollegeBecause ... it's the Smart Choice!

by Stasia Lopez /
Stasia Lopez's picture
Oct 08, 2020 / 0 comments

Justin Starr started at the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) in 2002 as a high school dual enrollment student. He took the bus from his home in Sewickley to Allegheny Campus, and earned his Associate of Science in General Studies. Later, Justin went on to get his Bachelor of Science in Engineering Science from the University of Virginia, and his Master of Science and Ph.D. in Materials Science & Engineering from the University of Florida.

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Finding footing amidst a shifting ground

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Oct 05, 2020 / 0 comments

My Mom remembers where she was when President Kennedy was assassinated. I can tell you where I was in the early hours of September 11th. And most recently, for many of us, we can tell you exactly where we were when the news of the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsberg was announced. Sometimes the ground literally feels like it's shifting directly beneath our feet, the weight of the entire world feels as if it's crushing on those tiny shoulders, and it seems nearly impossible to even remember to breathe.
