
jessicajhill's picture

Teaching English in Thailand: A Rewarding Challenge

Teaching, in any sense of the profession, is not all apples and chocolate. It’s hard work. It doesn’t matter what subject or age you teach, or which country you teach in, it’s inevitable that your job will have negatives to go along with the positives.

Skyfall: The Adventures of 0012

by Emily Zumchak / Nov 15, 2012 / 0 comments

This video was filmed in Corsica, France on the beautiful streets of Sartan.

Seven Key Strategies for Moving Abroad

by Karen McCann / Nov 14, 2012 / 0 comments

You’ve hired the international movers, and are ready to embark on the grand adventure of moving abroad. However, there’s always a pulse-pounding moment when you stop to wonder if you’ve lost your mind. What have you gotten yourself into this time? How can you even hope to keep your mental equilibrium through the massive changes of an international move? What does it take to build a life that’s authentically your own in a country that isn’t?


adriscoll's picture

Burn Baby Burn: Tavy and the Issue with Conservation in Madagascar

The night is cool, the sun has just set, and the trees are swaying slightly in the wind. Every few minutes a truck drives by with a delivery: usually dropping off a load of tourists or a few dozen crates of beer. A few friends and I are sitting in the local bar eating fries, a rare treat for us, and drinking cokes. It’s just a normal night, until a fire starts on the other side of the hill. The smoke envelops the entire valley, and the fire lights up the remaining forest in an orange glow. The open air restaurant smells like smoke, and visibility is remarkably low.

Do You Need International Experience?

by Austin Weihmiller /
Austin Weihmiller's picture
Nov 02, 2012 / 1 comments

Gaining international experience is important in understanding different life styles, cultures, and helps you grasp a whole new perspective of the world around you. My first experience abroad came when I was eleven. My older brother Owen had just graduated from high school, and as a gift, my parents took the family to Europe for a month.

Culinary Spelunker's picture

Mexico’s Day of the Dead, Dia de los Muertos

Mexico’s Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, often gets confused with the American holiday that comes around the same time. While Halloween and Día de los Muertos share some connections, they aren’t synonymous.

The Adventures of Greenwich!

by Nadia Adusei-Boateng /
Nadia Adusei-Boateng's picture
Oct 29, 2012 / 0 comments

Whenever I go to Greenwich, I usually just go to the places of interest like Odeon cinema, Charlton shopping centre, or the O2. I never really thought to get off the bus and explore the places we drove past in the Greenwich area, until Tuesday. My friend Georgina and I decided to jump on the 486 bus going to North Greenwich and unravel the mystery of a place the bus always drives past before getting to North Greenwich (another name for it is the O2).

My Passion Project: Skiing

by beccatran / Oct 29, 2012 / 0 comments

I absolutely love skiing. Skiing has always been an enjoyable pasttime for me. I have been skiing since I was 5 years old. My sister and I go skiing on the weekends at a place not too far from our house. Every 4 years I watch the competitive ski racers in the Winter Olympics. I envy them so much.

Wouldn’t It Be Great to be an International Travel Photographer?

by Harriet Willis /
Harriet Willis's picture
Oct 11, 2012 / 2 comments

Travel photographers can have a number of different jobs.  Some travel photographers photograph exciting places for travel advertising, others for travel articles in newspapers/magazines.  Some also use the photographs for travel blogging websites/online journals.  Personally, this job interests me a lot as it’s the two things I enjoy most in life: travelling and photography.  Travel photography in newspapers/magazines for me looks to be the most exciting, as you get to share your experience, in photographs, for the world to see.

The Importance of Having International Experiences

by Harriet Willis /
Harriet Willis's picture
Oct 11, 2012 / 1 comments

Having a lot of international experiences can be fascinating and incredibly useful.  There are so many different parts of travelling and, therefore, it’s a bit tricky without it.
