
Food for Thought: The Traditional (and not so traditional) Foods of Hawaii

by Austin Weihmiller /
Austin Weihmiller's picture
Mar 12, 2013 / 0 comments

Food for Thought: The Traditional (and not so traditional) Foods of Hawaii

Ono(licious) adjective - Hawaiian vernacular for describing something with taste and quality. Derives from our quirky pigeon language.

Aina noun - Hawaiian for 'land'


Brianna Krueger's picture

Eleven Types of Family Vacation Photos

Vacations wouldn't be complete without a family photo. You need something to show off to all your friends and relatives after you get back. Hearing about isn’t enough; I want the visual aids, like the picture of your family (hopefully) having the time of lives at some destination that I wasn’t invited to.

An Unexpected Encounter in Acadia National Park

by Sydney Kahl / Feb 27, 2013 / 0 comments

An Unexpected Encounter


Pie Is A Recipe For Happiness

by EdventureGirl /
EdventureGirl's picture
Feb 06, 2013 / 0 comments

Pie. Raspberry Pie. Cooling just next to the oven on a wire rack. The sweet, tart fragrance fills the kitchen, making my mouth water. It’s my Grammy’s pie. She always makes it for my mom’s birthday. Her log cabin up in the colds of Canada is one of my favorite places in the world, and the smell of raspberry pie can instantly bring me back there. But I’m not there now. I’m standing outside a bakery somewhere far from her log cabin, an insane grin plastered over my face at the smell of raspberry pie.

May This be the Best Year of Your Life

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Jan 15, 2013 / 0 comments

Have you often dreamed of picking up your life and heading overseas? Thought about the joys and challenges of teaching in another culture? Envisioned yourself making a change in yourself – and others? Educator Sandy Bornstein did just that – and has written a compelling, honest, and interesting glimpse into the life of an international teacher.

Wedged Between the Tectonic Plates: Snorkeling Under the Midnight Sun

by Austin Weihmiller /
Austin Weihmiller's picture
Jan 13, 2013 / 0 comments

It’s cold. Painfully cold. So cold, I begin to question the logic behind my thrill seeking madness. It’s these sort of crazy people that end up on the news, right? The headlines screaming American Found Frozen Between Tectonic Plates, Iceland. The water is only up to my ankles, and already, a string of eclectic language has escaped my lips. It’s now or never, though. The frozen body of a Hawaii teen was located in the chilly waters of Iceland… I double-check that my mask is on tight, dry suit valves are locked and closed.

jessicajhill's picture

China’s One-Child Policy From My Students with Siblings

China has too many people. It’s no secret.

Playing Minecraft With Friends Across The World

by Anders Bruihler / Dec 31, 2012 / 0 comments

When I lived in Montenegro, I used to play Minecraft with two of my friends.  It was a lot of fun for us.  When my family left Montenegro, I was sad that I wouldn’t be able to play with my friends anymore.  When I was in Chiang Mai, Thailand, for a week, I met two other traveling kids who played Minecraft, and I played with them when we could.  Recently, I decided to try to arrange a time for all of us to play over the Internet, to connect and have fun.

A Glimpse of Life Underwater

by shelbylewis /
shelbylewis's picture
Dec 20, 2012 / 0 comments

Descending further down into the ocean, seeing the water enclose over the top of your head, is just a taste of what it is like to SCUBA dive.  Being under the ocean in a marine inhabited area is truly breath-taking.  When you’re ninety feet under the water, you forget all the worries and problems that you had on land, and completely check out.  The ocean is one big Zen.

jessicajhill's picture

Teaching English in Thailand: A Rewarding Challenge

Teaching, in any sense of the profession, is not all apples and chocolate. It’s hard work. It doesn’t matter what subject or age you teach, or which country you teach in, it’s inevitable that your job will have negatives to go along with the positives.
