
Kerry Dexter's picture

Women of Ireland: Music

In the spring of the year,  it is a time to think about Ireland, as celebrations of Saint Bridgid’s Day and Saint Patrick’s Day appear on the calendar. It is also a time when the contributions of women to present day events and to history are marked.

Kerry Dexter's picture

Collaborations: Music from the Heart

One of the good things about music is that while the art lends itself to listening and creating on one’s own, collaboration is also a natural joyful thing in both the creation and sharing of songs and tunes.


Brianna Krueger's picture

How to Survive a Holiday Staycation

When the holidays come around, if you’re playing hostess, there’s a good chance there are no travels on your horizon. Which is unfortunate because after the family comes, drives you up the walls, and goes, you begin to kind of wish you’d flown to Hawaii instead.

Building a Tiny House

by Sicily Kolbeck / Dec 02, 2013 / 0 comments

What is My Passion?

Passion: The object of an intense desire, ardent affection, or enthusiasm.

Machu Picchu, the Doctor, and Me

by Anevay Darlington / Nov 02, 2013 / 0 comments

I walked along the worn stone path, taking in the sights of Machu Picchu - one of the Seven Wonders of the World, where the Incas once lived. Machu Picchu, meaning “Old Peak” in Quechua, was built around 1450. Many people believe Machu Picchu may have been an estate for the Incan ruler Pachacuti, but nobody really knows for sure.

Culinary Spelunker's picture

Halloween Memories and Donut Muffins

Snowflakes and jack-o’-lanterns. Growing up in Colorado, the two went hand in hand. The first snowfall of the season usually rolled over the mountains to coat my neighborhood just in time for October 31st. Deciding on a costume was a matter of what looked good over a poofy jacket and paired with my purple and white striped moon boots.

Gone with the Dream

by Sicily Kolbeck / Oct 27, 2013 / 0 comments

There is an expression my family uses: you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting……(Insert noun). In Marietta, Georgia, you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting history. History is everywhere. On every block, there is a historic house. There is a surprising amount of museums in this small town. History and modern culture blend together in harmony.

An Eruption in Pompeii Leads to Pliny’s Last Breath

by Christian DeMichiel / Oct 26, 2013 / 0 comments

My family and I were visiting the Pompeii Ruins in Italy. We had walked through cobblestone streets, ran among the ruins, lingered in the old gardens, and even played fetch with a few dogs we came across along the way.  After an exhausting morning of discovering the history of this unique area, I was ready for a much needed nap.

A Waking of Worlds

by Sarah Albom /
Sarah Albom's picture
Oct 16, 2013 / 0 comments

The Northern Ireland sun struggled to penetrate through the clouds, stopping just short of the rusty bus with a sigh of regret, as though too tired to continue any farther. As the vehicle made its way down the dirt path, I clung to my seat with one hand, the other holding a book, trying to ignore the bumping and rattling. A visit with an oracle of the elven king, on the Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland

Brianna Krueger's picture

How Vacations Can Get Weirder

Last month I prompted the question ‘how many weird things can happen during a weeklong vacation’ and answered with ‘too many.’ It got me thinking and I realized, I kind of lied: I still had more wei
