underwater photography

Lars Wagoner's picture

Under the Mediterranean

You’re at a beach in southern Spain, you can smell the salty summer air. After walking across the hot sand and stones, you can’t wait to take a dip in the sea. It’s a hot day, and everyone's having a great time playing in the water...so you decide to partake in the fun. 


An Underwater World of Wonders

by EdventureGirl /
EdventureGirl's picture
Nov 03, 2012 / 0 comments

The dry sand crunches under my feet as I walk across the beach. Little crabs skitter out of the way, racing amongst the scattered fragments of coral and seashells long abandoned to flip into the sea. For once, the ocean is calm. There’s not a ripple to be seen, as far as the horizon. A glassy mirror, the water reflects the cerulean sky above. Besides the wind dancing through the trees and my bare feet softly padding over the sand, a blanket of peaceful silence has settled over the beach.