Exploring Traditions of the World

As we've closed in on another year, we are reminded of the many traditions that celebrate the festive season. Stringed lights and Santa Claus conjure up visions of Christmas. A lit Menorah evokes the story of Hanukah. A countdown to midnight and resolutions symbolizes the start of a New Year.

Of course, these are celebrations and traditions that most are familiar with, but how do our friends around the world commemorate important events?



In Mexico, the Quinceañera is the ultimate birthday party for a girl who’s turning 15. The event celebrates her transition into adulthood, and features a Catholic mass that pays tribute to her faith. Planning a Quinceañera party is sometimes likened to planning a wedding. The girl must find the perfect gown, create a theme, and find a date. Now that’s what I call a party!



This January, as students make their way back to school and swap holiday stories, encourgage them to explore traditions from around the world – it is a perfect way to begin to learn about different cultures. Discover the characteristics that make us unique, and the similarities that unite many different traditions around the world. You’ll be amazed at what you learn!

By Vijaya Selvaraju for ProjectExplorer.org

Photos of Vijaya Selvaraju by Lindsay Clark.
©ProjectExplorer.org, 2010.