International Development Personified: Unite for Sight

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Here at, we are always looking for socially responsible activities in which to participate. Last month, we highlighted the work of Unite for Sight.  Since then, I've been so impressed with Unite for Sight that we are again featuring their work, so that more people may learn about them! 

As well, has designated Unite for Sight as one of the charities to which we donate a portion of of our income. 

Unite for Sight is a non-profit organization that "empowers communities worldwide to improve eye health and eliminate preventable blindness."


Unite for Sight


To further these goals, they have three programs:
*chapters in North America
* international eye care outreach programs
*an annual worldwide health conference

Let's explore each of these...

The chapters in North America are mostly run by volunteers - University students - that provide vision screenings and educational programs in local community centers.  Those screened are matched with free health care programs, so that they can receive a complete eye exam.

The international eye care outreach programs are run by both local and visiting colunteers, and provide screening programs in rural villages.  The eye doctors diagnose and treat eye disease in the field; surgical patients are brought to the eye clinic for surgery. 

The Unite for Sight 6th Annual Global Health Conference will be held APril 18 & 19, 2009, at Yale University. This is a conference designed to exchange the best practices to improve public health and international development.  There are plenary panels, special sessions on global health, international development, medicine, and social entrepreneurship. There will be plenary panels on Mobilizing Entrepreneurial Engagement, the Ethics of Global Health Delivery and Program Development, and Creating, Leading, Designing, and Managing Health Care Delivery in Resource-Poor Settings. This Conference seems just incredible - for more information, please see:

To read our fascinating interview with Jennifer Staple, the founder and CEO of Unite for Sight, please click here.


Unite for Sight


All photos copyright and courtesy of Unite for Sight.