
Tam Warner Minton's picture

Introducing Kids to our Ocean Creatures Just Might Save our Oceans!

I have spent a lifetime in, and around, the ocean. When I am not in or at the ocean, I am thinking about the ocean! After 30 years of diving, I have seen the damage that global warming, trash, and especially plastic have wrought. Realizing that our oceans and coral reefs are in trouble, I am not alone in wondering how we can reach people and make the change that is needed so desperately. How can we make them care? So far, we have not been able to excite people to make change.

Lars Wagoner's picture

Under the Mediterranean

You’re at a beach in southern Spain, you can smell the salty summer air. After walking across the hot sand and stones, you can’t wait to take a dip in the sea. It’s a hot day, and everyone's having a great time playing in the you decide to partake in the fun.