Bert Maxwell's picture

Crypto Futures Trading vs Margin: Ultimate Comparison

Futures and margin trading are the main strategies in the cryptocurrency market. They allow investors to profit without considerable risk to their funds. Both options involve leverage, which confuses, especially among beginners. Therefore, it is essential to understand how trading crypto futures differs from a margin strategy to make the most convenient and profitable option.
Bert Maxwell's picture

Financial Preparation Tips for Students Studying Abroad

Studying abroad can be an inspirational, transformational, and incredible experience. It’s a chance to tap into resources and classes you may not be able to find close to home, experiment with your independence, and even learn from new cultures and people. However, if you choose to study away from the comfort of your hometown, there’s a good chance you’ll have extra expenses to consider too. 

Meg Stafford's picture

Creating Meaningful and Lasting Memories during Trips with Your Kids

If you are wondering about how to create meaningful and lasting memories during trips with your kids, you are already heading in the right direction. Simply by asking the question, you are not assuming that what would be fun for you would also be fun for your offspring. 

A doctor of mine once said that when they’re young, your children follow you in your travels, but as they get older, you start to follow them. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: 100 Things to Do in Lansing Before You Die

You think you know a place well...and then a book comes along that greatly expands your knowledge! Such is the case with a new travel guide about Lansing, Michigan - our state capitol! 100 Things to Do in Lansing Before You Die, written by Amy Piper and published by Reedy Press, is a meticulously researched treasure chest that is a must-read for anyone heading to (or living in!) the area. It's SO MUCH FUN.

Music for Seasons of Change

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Apr 17, 2023 / 0 comments

In the northern hemisphere, spring is coming on; to the south of the globe, it is autumn. Both of those are seasons of change, and seasons of resilience. Seasons in which noticing and exploring changes in nature can help one’s perspective on changing and shifting times.

Music for Seasons of Change

Music to go along with these ideas:

Asako Maruoka's picture

How to See the World While Working in Education

Most professionals in the field of education feel passionately about what they do. It is no small responsibility to ensure that the next generation is equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive. Yet, even though you love your education career, you want to see the world — and the significant level of commitment required by most education jobs often precludes world travel to any meaningful extent.

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Fear vs. courage—the invisible ping pong match

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Apr 03, 2023 / 0 comments

On Hollywood’s biggest night, as one of the creators of the Oscar-winning movie Everything Everywhere All At Once accepted his golden statue, he mentioned that his “imposter syndrome was at an all-time high.” Seriously, this guy is part of the team that swept seven awards that night—and he still didn’t feel like he fully deserved to be there. If this doesn’t say how strong our thoughts are and how much weight we give them, I don’t know what does. 

Bert Maxwell's picture

Unlocking Potential: The Power of Inclusive Assessments in Transforming Education

Potential. It's like a hidden treasure, buried deep inside every student. But how do we unlock it? Inclusive assessments hold the key. By rethinking the way we evaluate student performance, we can transform education and uncover a wealth of undiscovered talent.

Asako Maruoka's picture

What You Can Do with a Master's Degree in Applied Psychology

Have you ever wondered how you can could make a positive impact on society while pursuing a fulfilling career? Look no further than a Master's degree in Applied Psychology! This rewarding field empowers you to use psychological theories and principles to address real-world problems and improve the well-being of individuals, organizations, and communities. 

Read on to explore the exciting opportunities that await you with a Master's degree in Applied Psychology, and how it can open doors to an array of fascinating career paths.

Asako Maruoka's picture

6 Reasons to Visit Pigeon Forge with Your Family

Nestled in the picturesque foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, Pigeon Forge offers a dreamy family vacation destination that combines the beauty of nature with an abundance of thrilling attractions and unforgettable experiences. 
Let’s delve into the top reasons why Pigeon Forge should be at the top of your family’s travel bucket list. From scenic landscapes and outdoor adventures to exciting theme parks and cozy and rustic cabin rentals, Pigeon Forge has something for everyone.

