international education

Lexa Pennington's picture

Preparing Yourself To Teach A Language Abroad

Are you the type of individual who would love to be able to travel for work? You’re not the only one. Every year, thousands of people travel to other countries to begin working abroad, while getting paid for their efforts. Believe it or not, there are enormous possibilities out there for those that want to make money, while traveling  and living abroad. One of the most popular ways to make money while traveling is by teaching a language.

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Outback Australia

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Dec 05, 2016 / 0 comments

When I was younger, my Dad talked a lot about how he loved and wanted to visit the land out west in the United States. He liked the stories of tradition, the love of the land, and the great open spaces where people and animals roamed for miles. I was often happier on the coasts, as the ocean and her lapping waves provided the serenity I needed, but I knew there was more. From the minute I first set foot in Australia, over a decade ago, I knew there was more to the country than the coast.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

#StudyAbroadBecause more students of color deserve to see the world

Stephane is a junior at Tufts University currently studying International Relations and Community Health. She is passionate about global health and community health interventions. Between perfecting her ramen noodles recipes and studying for exams, Steph is interested in the role that peace and security plays in women's health and their educational pursuits. Currently, she is studying abroad in Santiago, Chile and traveling to other South American countries. When she is not watching Netflix, she’s most likely eating Nutella. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Life as an Overseas Educator: Kids, Camels, and Cairo

Wondering about what life is like, teaching overseas? Global Educator Jill Dobbe (read our #teachabroadbecause interview with here here) has penned a fascinating, intriguing book that details teaching in Egypt, called Kids, Camels, and Cairo. In this book, she reflects honestly about moving a family abroad, teaching in a different country, and cultural adjustment. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

The Re-Entry Relaunch Roadmap: Find Your Next Global Adventure

You know that feeling you get when you come home from being overseas, and you just feel BLAH?! That's reverse culture shock, and it's not easy to deal with. Some people avoid it by spending much of their lives abroad (and that's a whole different story). But what if you're back home, and trying to readjust? Well, my friend Cate has a fantastic new workbook that WILL change your life. 

Through the Eyes of an Educator: The Republic of The Maldives

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Oct 03, 2016 / 0 comments

For my fortieth birthday, I was in search of a new experience. After years of teaching and having a birthday around the first day of school, this new phase of my life allowed for an opportunity for a whole different approach to the first week of September. That type of curiosity, interest in seeking anew, desire to change things up, and thoughtful search for adventure are all things I always wished for my students.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

#StudyAbroadBecause... It Changes The Way You See Everything

Maggie Burr is a DPhil candidate in Classical Archaeology at Oxford, where she spends her time trying to understand what ancient farmers did, and why. She grew up in Lexington, MA, Austin, TX, and Beverly, MA. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Inside Study Abroad Announces Fall Open Enrollment for the Global Pro Institute

Inside Study Abroad (we've shared their story here and Brooke's study abroad experiences here) is excited to announce the open enrollment for the Fall 2016 Cohort of the Global Pro Institute, a 6-week online professional development, training, and coaching program for aspiring professionals in inter

Allison Buzzanga's picture

#StudyAbroadBecause it shapes who you’ll become

Sam Parker is a 25 year old living in Philadelphia, and is currently in school to become an occupational therapist. She's passionate about travel, philly, yoga, anything Harry Potter, and her two fur babies Luna(tic) and Artemis(Chievous). 

Sam Parker: #StudyAbroadBecause it shapes who you’ll become

Study Abroad Guide to Accommodations in London

by Heather Robinette /
Heather Robinette's picture
Sep 12, 2016 / 0 comments

There are many different types of living situations in London for study abroad students. I studied abroad with a program provider called Academic Programs International (API), and they made our room arrangements for us. University-run programs also arrange the housing for their students. If you decide to study abroad on your own, you’ll need to make sure you are on top of applying for housing.
