international education

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5 Steps to Your Perfect Gap Year Travel

Travelling is one of the most important things you can do, in terms of global understanding, personal growth, and to improve your career. You can explore new places, make friends, or practice new occupations. You’ll learn from the plethora of people you will meet, and learn about different cultures, worldviews, and languages. You’ll have an adventure! You’ll be surprised by what you see and learn, and start to incorporate your new experiences into your own life (Vietnamese coffee, I’m looking at you!).

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture’s never too late to challenge yourself

Steph Dyson is a travel writer and educational volunteer who writers about adventurous travel and meaningful volunteering – two ways of travelling that she views as life-changing and accessible means of experiencing the world.

Karen Garrett's picture

2016 International Young Scholars Workshop Studies Equity, Community Engagement

2016 International Young Scholars Workshop Studies Equity, Community Engagement: Cape Town Broadens Research and Minds

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

You must only to love them: Lessons Learned in Turkey


Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

#StudyAbroadBecause You Deserve To Know Who You Are

Beth Santos is founder and CEO of Wanderful, a global network for adventurous, independent women travelers. She is a recently transplant to Boston from Chicago and can be swayed to do pretty much anything if offered chocolate peanut butter ice cream.

Beth Santos: #StudyAbroadBecause You Deserve To Know Who You Are

Kerry Dexter's picture

#StudyAbroadBecause without augments within

Kyle Carey has lived in Alaska, New England, Cape Breton, Ireland, Scotland, and New York. From these experiences, she is forging music she calls Gaelic Americana, a mix that draws on music of the Appalachian south and wider American folk story as much as it does on musical traditions of Ireland and, especially, Scotland. 

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Bangkok, Thailand

by Stacey Ebert /
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Aug 01, 2016 / 0 comments

It was only my second time on the continent of Asia when I stepped off the plane in Bangkok, Thailand. The excitement of something new mixed with that slight trepidation of the unknown was palpable. I’d heard great things, researched as much as I possibly could without my eyes falling out of my head, and of course, as is with all things new, had to leap a little. Sometimes, I think, it’s better not to prepare to a fault and leave a bit of room for spontaneity, surprise, and to find a way to embrace the unknown. That’s true about life plans, as well. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

#TeachAbroadBecause’s the best of all lifestyles!

Jill Dobbe is an international educator and published author who writes about her experiences living and working in schools and countries around the world. 

Jill Dobbe. #TeachAbroadBecause’s the best of all lifestyles!

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

An Elephant for Education: The Human and Hope Association, Cambodia

Between 1975 and 1979, an estimated two million people (a quarter of the population at the time) were killed in Cambodia through starvation, torture, execution, disease and overwork under the ruling of the Khmer Rouge. Intellectuals were targeted, and as a result, Cambodia lost most of their educated population. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

#TeachAbroadBecause … it's life’s greatest lesson

Marie is passionate about travel and languages. She is studying Translation, Interpretation, and Intercultural Management in Paris. She speaks French, Spanish, and English fluently and is currently learning Italian and Breton. Marie’s goal is to speak as many languages as possible, mostly learning them by travelling around the world. 
