
Asako Maruoka's picture

College Housing Tips for Your Senior Year

Your housing choice can have a major impact on your college experience. Making the right choice is much more important than many think. It can impact everything from making friends to how much time you get to study. There are a few factors you can consider to make your search and choice that much easier. If you are looking for tips for choosing your housing in your senior year, here are some of the best.  

College Housing Tips for Your Senior Year

Asako Maruoka's picture

Using Your Travel Knowledge to Help Students Access Foreign Universities

One of the best things about being an educator is the fact that we are continually learning and striving to improve our knowledge base. We regularly categorise our experiences and store them for later, trying to gain as much as we can from each experience, and always thinking about our own teachable moments.

Bert Maxwell's picture

GM Law Firm Student Loans Guide - A Quick Overview

In today's world, going to college is an "opportunity" to learn all about loans as much as it is to learn all about Medieval French Poetry or Astrophysics. There are, of course, a number of different types of student loans available for prospective scholars, both public and private. 

Justice Art. From GM Law Firm Student Loans Guide - A Quick Overview

Bert Maxwell's picture

Factors Influencing Lower College Grades

While some students put their whole being into their studies, trying to write term papers or a thesis, make the most of their time to meet assignments deadlines, and perform their responsibilities as college club members, others may seek for the stuff to “brighten up” their life and relax. There is nothing wrong with enjoying your life and having a break from constant learning. However, it is important to understand that some things are incompatible with studying.

Bert Maxwell's picture

Why studying marketing is so hard - and important

Strategic thinking, lots of hard work, and useful experience is what you should expect when you choose to study marketing. This is a major for those who are natural leaders, who are skilled in persuading people, and who have outgoing personalities. They also have to be competitive, outgoing, and creative to be able to succeed in this business after they graduate. 
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Recipes Every College Student Should Know & Oatmeal In a Mug Recipe

Need a gift for a new graduate? Interested in helping your international students eat when the caf is closed? Teens and college students are HUNGRY - and don't always know how to make food while in college. Enter a new book by Christine Nelson, entitled Recipes Every College Student Should Know.

Recipes Every College Student Should Know & Oatmeal In a Mug Recipe

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

#StudyAbroadBecause... It Changes The Way You See Everything

Maggie Burr is a DPhil candidate in Classical Archaeology at Oxford, where she spends her time trying to understand what ancient farmers did, and why. She grew up in Lexington, MA, Austin, TX, and Beverly, MA. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Travel CEO Matt Keezer’s Guide To Canada’s Best Universities

Canada is home to some of North America’s most prestigious universities. While all schools have specialities, there are few that receive nearly universal acclaim for their diverse and exceptional programs. In order to breakdown a list of Canada’s best academic institutions, I consulted with Momentum Ventures CEO Matt Keezer.