Intercultural Education

Global Education: How to Conquer Global Intolerance

by Dacey Loving /
Dacey Loving's picture
Sep 07, 2017 / 0 comments

Global Education: How to Conquer Global Intolerance

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Scotland's Saltire Scholarships for Higher Education

Overview: The Saltire Scholarship is a substantial programme of scholarships, offering up to 100 awards, each worth £4,000 towards tuition fees for any one year of full time study, on an Undergraduate, Masters, or PhD course. This is offered on a matched funding basis between the Scottish Government and Scottish Higher Education Institutions, and is available for students from Canada, China, India, Pakistan and the USA.

Michelle Nardi's picture

Let's Talk About Millenials

Let's talk about millennials, again. I just read yet another slight about them. While the article it was in was quick to point out that there might just be a reason for their attitude, it bashed them anyway.

Let's Talk About Millenials

jdobbe's picture

Global Perspectives: Professional Learning Communities in International Schools

Community building must become the heart of any school improvement.
~Thomas Sergiovanni

Cate Brubaker's picture

3 Things That Hold You Back from a Happier Re-entry

You’re (going) home after an amazing experience abroad. You probably feeling sad, conflicted, and maybe even a little lost.

I’ll let you in on a little secret…there are ways to make re-entry a happier experience.

It's true! Just today, one of my tribe members told me that they now feel "more positive and excited about the whole re-entry process!” I love hearing that! 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Bring Paris & Francophone culture to your classroom

It's no secret that Paris, the City of Light, has long been a tourist favorite. Why?  For starters, Paris undoubtedly hosts some of the most well-known museums, monuments and historical sites that have inspired authors and artists for centuries.

Bring Paris & Francophone culture to your classroom

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

The Re-Entry Relaunch Roadmap: Find Your Next Global Adventure

You know that feeling you get when you come home from being overseas, and you just feel BLAH?! That's reverse culture shock, and it's not easy to deal with. Some people avoid it by spending much of their lives abroad (and that's a whole different story). But what if you're back home, and trying to readjust? Well, my friend Cate has a fantastic new workbook that WILL change your life. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Library of Congress Hosts Online Conference for Educators

As the new school year gets into full swing, the Library of Congress will bring teachers and education experts from across the nation together in its second annual online conference for educators. This free two-day event, "Discover and Explore with Library of Congress Primary Sources," will be held October 25-26, from 4-8 p.m. EDT and will be open to K-12 educators from across all teaching disciplines. Last year's event brought together more than 1,500 participants for the sessions.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Opportunity for US Teachers: Travel to Ghana for Professional Development

ACCRA AND KUMAWU, GHANA.  August 17 - August 24th, 2016. Want to go?

Opportunity for US Teachers: Travel to Ghana for Professional Development

Amanda Bent's picture

The Intercultural Being

Today we live in a globalized world where we constantly engage in cross-cultural dialogue on a daily basis. As a result of our participation in this growing multicultural environment, our cultural identities are being redefined, as we transcend borders, and broaden our connections to various communities, at home and abroad. While we have achieved new levels of peace and unity, it is evident that discrimination, prejudice, and bias still plague our society and impact our interactions with others.
