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Travel Writers' Secrets: Top Travel Planning Tips

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Jun 08, 2010 / 3 comments

I’ve got a GREAT list of travel tips for you!

Sydney, Australia: Day Four, Morning at the Sydney Tower

by Julie Royce /
Julie Royce's picture
Feb 04, 2010 / 0 comments

Before heading out for our final full day in Sydney, Bob and I debated how to spend our short remaining time. I suggested the New South Wales Art Gallery, the Australian Museum, St. Andrews' Cathedral, the Sydney Aquarium, and the Sydney Tower.  I marked these on a map – in the order that made the most sense.  Bob vetoed the museum, art gallery, and aquarium. 

“But, that only leaves us the Tower and St. Andrews.  We'll be done in no time,” I protested.

“Then we can add the others as time permits,” he replied.   

The Real Ramen

by Joshua Beatty / Jan 07, 2010 / 1 comments

Just about anyone who went to college in the United States after about 1990 has heard of Ramen noodles. Some Americans pronounce this word as “Ray-man” noodles.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Help Make a Difference with Books of Hope

I've got an extraordinary project to share with you today. Books of Hope is a program where schools in the U.S. can work to create books for their sister school in Uganda. There's nothing like a book to change a life - and Books of Hope is changing many, many lives.

Ed Forteau's picture

Behind the Scenes of Meijer Gardens’ Holiday Exhibit

Behind the Scenes of Meijer Gardens’ Holiday Exhibit

Jason deCaires Taylor - New Underwater Sculptures in Mexico

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Dec 08, 2009 / 0 comments

One of my very favorite artists is Jason deCaires Taylor. His underwater sculptures have long intrigued me. I can't WAIT to get underwater and see them. We've interviewed Jason about the Underwater Sculpture Park he created in Grenada.

Hay...While the Sun Shines

by wandering freditor / Nov 09, 2009 / 0 comments


Julie Royce's picture

The Soo - The Locks and Much More

The Soo - The Locks and Much More 

Sault Ste Marie will amaze you. If you think the Soo is a nowhere town, take the trip and disabuse yourself of that misconception. After an extended weekend you will congratulate yourself on your discerning travel smarts.


Foodie Finds: Tea and Art in Historic Savannah

by smartpoodle / Aug 20, 2009 / 1 comments


Savannah, Georgia

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Experiential Travel with AFAR

We've recently found the coolest site - that explores experiential travel. AFAR: Where Travel Can Take You explores experiential travel in a variety of ways - through a website, a new (and gorgeous) print magazine, and more.
