Children's books

Read This: The Light She Feels Inside

by Lillie Forteau /
Lillie Forteau's picture
Jun 04, 2024 / 0 comments

I was so excited to have this new and diverse children’s book to review: The Light She Feels Inside by Gwendolyn Wallace.  

Read This: The Light She Feels Inside

I hadn’t grown up seeing myself in books—and I always felt that absence so deeply, it hurt sometimes. I have never found something that resonated with my inner child so much as this book. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This Hilarious Middle Reader Book: Matt Sprouts And The Curse Of The Ten Broken Toes

I'm so excited to share an extraordinary, hilarious new book...and an interview with the author! Matt Sprouts And The Curse Of The Ten Broken Toes, written by educator and master storyteller Matt Eicheldinger, is SUCH a joy to read. 

 Matt Sprouts And The Curse Of The Ten Broken Toes

Read This Adorable, Informative, Delicious Book: The Soil in Jackie's Garden

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Apr 22, 2024 / 0 comments

I've got the CUTEST book to share with you and your small ones today, apropos as it is Earth Day. It will inspire and educate kids and their grownups about how to compost, garden, and reap the rewards of gardening. The Soil in Jackie's Garden, written by Peggy Thomas with art by Neely Daggett, is fun, beautiful, and inspiring. 

Downing Waugh's picture

Please don’t sugarcoat history

The desire a parent feels to protect their child is instinctive, consuming, and, sometimes, misguided.

Halloween reads to go along with treats

Yesterday I kept a room of 22 costumed 2nd graders in my daughter’s class transfixed for a whole ten minutes.

And this was after their school Halloween parade and after they’d exhausted all the games we’d planned for the in-room party and while they were eating cupcakes, grapes, and caramel-dipped apple slices. (Well, I guess the cupcakes helped keep their mouths a little occupied.)

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This! There’s a Yeti in My Tummy

We’ve got such an incredible read aloud book to share with you today! There's a Yeti in my Tummy, written by Meredith Rusu with illustrations by Martín Morón, is a fun, playful read that teaches much to both parents and kids. Let me explain…

Read This! There’s a Yeti in My Tummy

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: Potatoes for Pirate Pearl


We've got a delicious new picture book to share with you today, Potatoes for Pirate Pearl, written by Jennifer Concepcion and illustrated by Chloe Burgett. The book will be released September 19, 2023.

This cleverly illustrated pirate-packed and hilarious read-aloud is an entertaining way to introduce young readers to where their food comes from.

Emetophobia warning: mentioned twice. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: There’s an N on Your Nose

One of the very best things about reading is starting. Whether it’s with your own kids, your classroom, or kids you know and love, watching them make connections and learn is magical. You might choose to read to them with books you’ve known and loved for years, or embark with new discoveries. 

Read This: There’s an N on Your Nose

Stacey Ebert's picture

Radio Free Imagine Neighborhood Invites Your Imagination to Take Flight

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

Maya Angelou

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: Lessons of Family, Love, Life, and Loss Blooming in A Garden for Grace

Combining beautiful poetry with stunning hand-drawn floral illustrations, A Garden for Grace by Ellen Mainville is an exploration of family, love, and life through lessons inspired by the beauty of nature.

Read This: Lessons of Family, Love, Life, and Loss Blooming in A Garden for Grace
