
Asako Maruoka's picture

How online games reflect and incorporate global cultures and teach valuable skills

Online gaming has significantly evolved over the last decade. The massive growth began around the early 2010s when casual social gaming became popular. Think classic PC games to console online genres like competitive first-person shooters and massively multiplayer games (MMO gaming).  

Latinas in Leadership Institute's picture

Educational Disparities Among Latino Students in the U.S.


Many young Latinos in the United States encounter persistent systemic obstacles that impede their educational attainment including poverty, language barriers, discrimination, and inequitable resource distribution.

These obstacles lead to lower academic achievements and increased dropout rates.

Bert Maxwell's picture

From Good to Great: Techniques for Enhancing Learner Performance

Achieving greatness in education and converting a good learner to a great one is not only through traditional teaching ideologies. This type of learning-centric solution incorporates a variety of cutting-edge strategies, individualized methods, and ongoing assistance to maximize learner ability. Educators and mentors can have a powerful effect on the growth and success of their learners by improving performance through tailored motivation strategies.

Bert Maxwell's picture

Customizing PDFs: Beyond the Basics with Lumin

Many businesses still settle for basic editing, leaving their PDFs looking like regular, uninspiring documents. But did you know your documents are more than just digital filing cabinets? They can be customized with a trusted editing tool like Lumin to become dynamic tools that captivate your audience, streamline workflows, and elevate your brand. 

Music Workshop's picture

Beyond the Notes: Unleashing the Cultural and Educational Power of Music

When Ken Burns completed his film about jazz, he said, “I have made a film about jazz that tries to look through jazz to see what it tells us about who we are as a people.” And in his film Country Music, he quotes Merle Haggard saying that country music is “about those things we believe in, but can’t see.…” In these observations, Ken Burns and Merle Haggard capture music’s special impact and role as it touches and enriches all of our lives.

Asako Maruoka's picture

Academized Educator on Teaching Essay Structure

As a teacher, one of the most challenging tasks is teaching students how to structure their essays effectively. 

A well-structured essay not only helps the reader follow the writer's thought process but also demonstrates the writer's ability to organize their ideas coherently. Teaching essay structure can be daunting, but with the right approach, you can help your students master this essential skill. Teaching essay structure is essential for students to express their ideas clearly and logically. 

Bert Maxwell's picture

Thriving in the Tutoring Business: Steps to Financial Success


Tutoring businesses are growing in popularity. So much so that even K-dramas have used tutoring businesses as the background for romantic stories

The increased demand for personalised education services makes launching a tutoring business an attractive option. However, this popularity also brings high competition, which can significantly impact the profitability of your business. It's essential to be aware of these risks and plan strategically to stand out and succeed in this crowded market.

Lexa Pennington's picture

Empowering Students: 4 Techniques for Delivering Effective Feedback

Feedback is essential to learning, as it helps students understand their strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and track their progress. However, the process can be stressful for both teachers and students. 

Empowering Students: 4 Techniques for Delivering Effective Feedback

Lexa Pennington's picture

Teaching in Andorra: A Guide for Educators Looking for Adventure

Ever caught yourself daydreaming about swapping the staff room for stunning mountain views? Teaching in Andorra might just be the ticket. Tucked away in the Pyrenees, Andorra's got more going for it than just Instagram-worthy landscapes. It's a place where teachers can mix their passion for the job with a dash of adventure. But don’t just pack your bags and go—there’s a bit more to it.

Dr. Michael Kaufman's picture

Why Teachers Are Natural-Born Leaders

At a time in our country of great debate, there’s no debate about one thing: Teachers are the superstars of the U.S. education system. I’ve been leading special education teams and schools for 25 years of my 32-year social services career, and I continue to be amazed and awed every day by what teachers accomplish and how resourceful they are in accessing today’s youth. 

Why Teachers Are Natural-Born Leaders
