
Through the Eyes of an Educator: Choosing You (be where your feet are)

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Nov 07, 2022 / 0 comments

It’s arrived! That time of year where life feels like it’s full speed ahead and nonstop glitter-filled energy. The educational year is in its groove, every week there’s a game or a concert or a special event, and even taking a moment to find your own breath seemingly involves a calendar invitation. We’re officially in that final quarter of the year when resolution inklings creep in, ‘to do’ lists pile up, and many of us feel pulled in multiple directions. 

In these final months of the year, how do you tend to show up?

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Changing Direction

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Jul 05, 2022 / 0 comments

It’s summer. The season of sandy feet, sun-kissed cheeks, and firepit chats that go on till dawn has returned. While the world is still in chaos and a global pandemic is still afoot, school’s out, camp’s in session, and children everywhere are in summer mode. 

It’s that time where everything is flooded with sunlight, fireflies dance amidst the sky, ice cream is a daily meal, dreams are big, possibilities are endless, and imaginations run wild. 

Words and Wisdom: Songs of Change

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
May 18, 2021 / 0 comments

Music for shifting times is what we decided to name this series, back several years ago. Circumstances continue to shift, in political situations, in nature, in personal lives, in what happens day to day. In the music, there are several sorts of change, and several ways musicians have thought about and created ideas around them.

Words and Wisdom: Songs of Change

Britt East's picture

Leaving Home to Find Ourselves

Most of us stumble into adulthood a little battered and bruised, which means we must attend to our wounds before leaping into the lives we were meant to lead. Maybe we have patterns of behavior that involve abandoning ourselves in times of stress. Perhaps our responses to love are still subject to the family programming we received as children. Or maybe our lives have been adversely impacted by a materialistic society steeped in straight, white, cis male supremacy. Whatever the case, nobody is beyond the power of redemption or outside the reach of kindness.   

Neil J. Farber M.D.'s picture

Traveling With Open Eyes

Publisher’s note: We are so pleased to publish this excerpt from an extraordinary new book by Neil J. Farber, MD, entitled Serendipity: Recognizing and Utilizing Common Everyday Events to Enhance Your Life and Career. In it, Dr. Neil Farber uses powerful examples of serendipity from history and his own life to show you the skills you need to prepare for, recognize, and ultimately take advantage of everyday unexpected occurrences. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Dawn Again: Tracking the Wisdom of the Wild

The most powerful and important book I've read this year? No question. Dawn Again: Tracking the Wisdom of the Wild, by Doniga Markegard, is eloquent, inspiring, and a must-read for any global educator. Markegard's memoir traces her beginnings from wildlife tracking to a more concerted effort of support and practical advice for wilderness education and living wisely on this planet. Through it all, her voice rings clearly for teaching about the earth, about the wildlife on it, and living responsibly and well.
