The Creative Seed Will Encourage Creative Growth
As a sufferer of writer's block, I was excited to read a book about creativity, The Creative Seed: How to Enrich Your Life Through Creativity by Lilian Wissink.
For me, there's always an excuse. Lately, I've been blaming it on not having a desk. A proper one to focus at and is strictly for my creative writing. No web surfing, no games, no phone, no background TV, no guests. Just me and my computer at a desk. (Which after two weeks of sitting half-assembled in my apartment is FINALLY complete.) I've tried to make 'date nights' for my writing to little success. I get distracted or a better offer, even though I know I want to write. So, like I said, I was excited to read a book about creativity.
The Creative Seed was more than a read. It was interactive. A journey. Thought-provoking.
Much of the book asks you to journal to help unleash your thoughts, your fears, your ideas, your happiness. (The irony of writing in a journal rather than a story was not lost on me.) It basically wants you to self-reflect, to open up and see why you aren't being creative to begin with, and how you can get over your fears of starting to be creative. Essentially, a How to Be Creative for Beginners.
When one is beginning to be creative, or even stuck in a rut, it's incredibly easy to be self-critical. Oh, I'm too old to start. Oh, I'm too busy. Oh, it's been done before. Oh, I have no good ideas, etc. The Creative Seed helps dive into overcoming that, and seeing you're not too old, not too busy, hasn't all been done before, and you do have good ideas.
In fact, I tossed this book at my boyfriend when I asked him to paint with me and he said he's no good. The Creativity Seed doesn't ask you to be good or the best, but to simply ask why you're not allowing yourself to be creative.
One of my favorite perspectives to come out of the book was everyone's approach and what inspires them is different. You have a unique perspective, regardless of age, time, similar materials, and ideas. What inspired you and how you approach your creativity is always going to have your own thought processes. Unless you can mind read, in which case I'm kinda jealous.
Here to share some of her thought processes and general thoughts on creativity, we have the author, Lilian Wissink!
What inspired you to write about creativity?
I'm fascinated by how we can go from knowing very little about a particular creative area and develop our creativity over time. I wanted to demystify the creative process because so many people believe they are not the creative type or if they are involved they are thwarted by the common ups and downs of the creative process. The initial trigger for me was discovering the fun and enjoyment of drawing and painting in mid life. I'd always believed that art was beyond me, but I realised that by first learning a few skills that I had the capacity to keep developing my art to the stage where I now even sell a few paintings! I also realised the tremendous health benefits of being involved in creative activities.
What was the most fun part of writing about creativity?
I enjoyed combining my experience as a Counselling Psychologist to my growing fascination of creativity. It was fun watching the book come together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and working on bits and chapters at a time. The manuscript felt like a little seed that I kept attending to and it grew and grew from just having ideas, writing drafts, researching and polishing, getting feedback and finally getting published. So the whole journey was intriguing, but certainly challenging. I've come to realise that creativity is about the actual process and not just the end result. It's the same process when I paint, learn a new song on the guitar, or knit a scarf.
What creativity activity would you love to pick up and why?
Whilst starting to draw and paint was an impetus to write the book, I've also ventured into other areas of creativity since then, including singing, playing the ukulele and guitar, and craft making. I still have one creative area that I would love to develop further, and that is the art of dance! Perhaps join a dance troupe as in the film "Finding your Feet"! Music and dancing take me to another place in my psyche where I feel free and joyful! I often put on some music at home and dance while no one is watching, except my pooch Roxy! Great fun!
You have a lot of great activities to help get the creativity flowing. Do you have a favorite and why? Did any of them help if you got writer's block?
Overall, I need to watch my Inner Critic that can have a life of its own if I don't reign it in, and the book has lots of ways of managing this part of our personality. More specifically, though, it's about doing something regularly, even if it's something small. Years ago, I facilitated workshops for university students on stopping procrastination, and one of the strategies we taught was the swiss cheese approach. This approach is about making holes/progress in the activity that seems overwhelming or scary. So just doing anything related to the creative activity will get things flowing. Sometimes for me this might simply be preparing canvasses to paint on. Not particularly creative, but it's something that needs to be done in preparation for the next stage, and it's keeping me moving forward and that's motivating.
What I've also learnt over the years is to give things a little time if I'm feeling really stuck. Sometimes we try too hard and we're too critical of ourselves when we get writer's block or feel a lack of inspiration for our art or craft. So going for a walk in nature or seeing what the mind gently brings forward after a good night's sleep can be just what is needed.
Through the expression of creativity, what have you learned about yourself? / How have you grown?
Ahh...that's a really good question. I've grown in my confidence to express myself in many different ways. I'm an introvert by nature, and not naturally comfortable in putting myself out there. So over the years, I've grown in confidence to express myself through different creative activities, from acting in my earlier days to art and playing the guitar and even crafting, like knitting and sewing a patchwork quilt. It's exciting to discover these avenues of expression as a way to honour and nourish who we are.
Could you share a picture of your journal?
BRIANNA WRITING: And then there's mine...
We have very different journal approaches, but that's the beauty of creativity! We all approach is differently and no way is wrong. Back to our regularly programmed interview....
Where can readers find your book?
In all good book stores, including on-line and from the publisher – I'd like to invite readers to be part of my Facebook author page called Lilian Wissink – The Creative Seed. The aim of this page is to encourage, applaud, and stimulate the love of all things creative, especially within visual and performing arts, writing, and crafting. I'd love people to join me!
Thank you, Lilian, for the lovely interview and your unique thoughts on creativity. Start being creative--get your copies on sale this April!
Brianna Krueger is the Chief Editor of Wandering Educators. She doesn't take herself too seriously, unless this is boss reading this, then she takes herself very seriously. Brianna loves to write, read, collect elephant paraphernalia, eat pizza, and take long walks on the beach. She'd love to read, review, and interview more authors – give her a buzz – or check out her own writing at: Contently, WattPad, Amazon, and, of course, WanderingEducators.
This review was provided from an advanced reader copy in exchange for my creative interception of a review.
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