How to Embrace New and Fascinating Things

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Readers! So happy to share an interview with one of our writers, Dr. Debra Payne (we met in graduate school!), who has lived all around the world, and truly incorporated intercultural living into her life's work. Read on...


WE: Hi, fellow Wandering Educator! It’s good to see you again. We haven’t spoken since back when you used to write write articles for us about life in Southern Spain and the Dominican Republic. Now you’ve written a book! Congratulations!

Debra: Thanks! Yes, I just co-authored a book titled Get Naked: Helping Women Strip Away Limiting Beliefs. It’s about recognizing and then letting go of beliefs that hold you back. 

How to Embrace New and Fascinating Things

WE: I love how you’ve taken a humorous approach in your writing, Deb. You’ve written about a lot of different limiting beliefs and syndromes and it’s fun to read about them. It’s obvious that you and your co-author Lynda had a good time writing this book. Yet, you offer some seriously helpful stuff about how our ideas about life can hold us back

Debra: I’m glad you enjoyed the book. We had a blast writing it!

WE: You list a lot of limiting beliefs in your book...any favorites? 

Debra: Favorites? Oh, dear…they are all my babies! I’d have to say, though, that Limiting Beliefs # 6 and #9 are my current favorites. Limiting Belief #6 – Muscling for Control, AKA “I have to make things happen no matter what and Limiting Belief #9 – Lusting for Perfection, AKA “It must be perfect!”  really resonate with me because they have been my biggest teachers. Fortunately, our book offers ways to curb these beliefs and move on or I’d be trapped!

How to Embrace New and Fascinating Things

WE: You’ve travelled extensively and worked in four foreign countries. I’m curious – did any of your experiences travelling inform what you wrote about in your book?

Debra: Absolutely! I have lots of experience being completely outside my comfort zone. I’ve lived and worked in places that were completely unfamiliar to me at first. I remember times when I was absolutely disoriented and afraid, and I had to just keep functioning, somehow. I remember times when I felt so homesick that I wanted to cry. And then there were the times that I thought I knew what was going on, but found out later that I was absolutely clueless. What incredible experiences, really! 

How to Embrace New and Fascinating Things

WE: What beliefs did you have to learn to let go of? 

Debra: My first crash course came in the form of letting go of the need to make things happen no matter what. Muscling for Control – the limiting belief we talk about in Chapter 6 – made me miserable in foreign countries. I had to abandon the belief that I could have everything just the way I wanted so that I could then embrace all the new and fascinating things that were going on around me. But until I let go of my rigid expectations, I could not see what was around me. I’m sure I unwittingly cut off many opportunities for those crazy-joyful experiences you have when getting to know new places and new ways of thinking. Luckily, I was forced to let go eventually and I had the time of my life!

How to Embrace New and Fascinating Things

WE: What about that other Limiting Belief you mentioned -- Lusting for Perfection? Any thoughts on that? 

Debra: If I hadn’t let go of the need for everything to be perfect, I never would have left the house when I was living abroad. The same thing applies now, too. I wouldn’t have half the experiences I’ve had. In fact, we wouldn’t be sitting here talking because I would not have had the courage to write this book! 

WE: Spot on, Deb! I hope you keep letting go of Limiting Beliefs and inspiring others to do the same. 

Debra: That’s my goal. We’re starting to offer workshops on this stuff, too! Our first one is a live workshop in my hometown in Ogden, Utah on Saturday, November 12th, 2016.

How to Embrace New and Fascinating Things

WE: You’re a coach now, too, aren’t you? 

Debra: Yes, I am a certified coach now. I have helped many people to get their work done while managing the stress and confusion that can come with big, scary projects. I have worked for the last decade with academics, helping them to overcome procrastination and fear, navigate big projects, do better in their careers, and get stuff done while maintaining balanced, sane lives. More recently, I’ve discovered that my "get it done" skills are transferable, so I’ve begun working with professionals in the corporate world, as well. It’s a lot of fun! 

WE: Where can we find you if we want to find out more about the stuff you do?

Debra: I’m easy to find! You can connect with me at,, and, to name a few places. Or just shoot me an email to debra[at] I’d love to hear from you!

WE: Thanks, Deb! Until next time... Take care. 

Debra: You, too, Wandering Educators! <3



All photos courtesy and copyright Debra Payne