Motown the Musical
Motown the Musical is a thrilling story that takes place throughout the history of one of the greatest record labels in history. Motown Records was responsible for countless hits, innumerable cultural influences, and was an important avenue for social activism and black culture.
We attended opening night for the run at Miller Auditorium, at Western Michigan University. It will run here from May 9 to May 16, 2017 here in Kalamazoo. Please see the Motown website (below) for tour dates and locations.
What I found interesting about this show was the historical period – Berry Gordy growing up and the reason he started Motown Records in the first place, but also the rise and fall of the Motown empire.
It felt like a concert and a musical – the audience was SO excited! There was screaming, and in the front left corner, the people in the audience were going crazy. It was loud and so much fun.
The set was extremely interesting, since they changed so much and reflected the time periods. I couldn’t stop looking at the stage! Every single time it changed, it meant something to the time period, to the scene, to the actions, and to the songs.
The choreography had to be one of the best I’ve seen in a musical. Every movement was fluid, and matched the history and takes you there. Dancing is so different now that you forget how much it has evolved, and it was really amazing to see how fun it was, and how it looked better, more coordinated, and thoughtful.
Every single singer had such a strong voice, and emanated such powerful, emotional feelings that you felt the song in you. It was an experience - it wasn’t something that you just watched, but that you felt all the way through. Of special note was the actor that played Michael Jackson - that kid is so talented. Everyone in the house went CRAZY when he sang (or, honestly, when he was on the stage).
This show was greatly inspiring – it gets you wanting to listen to this classic music, and truly hear the hard work and love put into each song. It was fascinating to see how much time the singers spent to get to the point where they could sing those songs, and it could possibly be a hit. You felt their pain when their efforts went down the drain, and you felt their elation when a song succeeded. You went along on the ride with them.
This is an important musical for many reasons, including learning about this important period of American history, Detroit, and the music business.
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And in Kalamazoo,
Click the photos below to purchase the soundtrack, and the music that inspired the musical!
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