Dog Meets World Foto of the Week: Smiles in Brazil

by Carolyn Lane / Apr 28, 2010 / 0 comments

A group of students from the University of Maryland, College Park spent their spring break doing community service in Rio de Janiero, Brazil on an alternative break program sponsored by Hillel International


Dog Meets World Brazil


They brought along a portable printer and stuffed “Foto” dog to practice Take & Give Photography with Dog Meets World, the Photo-Diplomacy Project. They photographed children all over the favela, giving the children reaffirmation of their self worth. 


Dog Meets World is a simple and easy way to establish connections with local communities and to create positive cross-cultural interactions and give back when you travel. Join the movement, become a phodographer today!

To read our interview with Wandering Educators, please click here.


Check back every Wednesday for a new Foto of the week!