Photo of the Week October 25, 2010: In Good Company - Paris, France

SHERRY OTT's picture

In Good Company - Paris, France




Halloween is fast approaching, and a visit to a cemetery can often be a terrifying experience.  However on my recent trip to Paris this summer I visited a cemetery in the name of photography and tourism.  The Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris is definitely off the tourist track, but it was one of my favorite 'sites' I visited.  The cemetery is filled with famous people who have been laid to rest.  You can spend hours wandering around the crumbling pathways looking for their tombstones...and taking eerie pictures of course! If photographing the cemetery, try to find unique perspectives and don't be afraid to get close!  Pere Lachaise photography.



Sherry Ott is the Photography Editor for Wandering Educators.  She has been traveling the world for the last 3 ½ years with her camera as her main companion.  She brings us the Photo of the Week from her travels.  To view more of her photography, visit her portfolio of work at Global Photography by Sherry Ott.  Or if you’d like to read of her travel, expat, and ESL adventures, go to Ottsworld.