
Musical Tapestries of Connection and Reflection

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Jun 20, 2022 / 0 comments

Music can help create connections; it can also help remember them. Music can recall times of kindness, of grace, of patience. A lot to ask of a song or a tune? Not necessarily.

Here are several pieces of music to go along with these ideas.

Musical Tapestries of Connection and Reflection

Shipwrecks of the Great Lakes: The Storm of 1913, Part Two

by Julie Royce /
Julie Royce's picture
Jun 18, 2022 / 0 comments
Note: From 6/9/22 through 6/22/22, you can get a free 386-page PDF of Exploring Michigan’s Sunset Coasts. Go to author Julie Royce’s website at Click the button on the sidebar and provide your email. Your email will be deleted once the book is sent. If you like the book, tell your friends and suggest they get the free PDF or buy the book on Amazon. Better yet, if you like it, write a review on Amazon. Let’s promote Michigan! 

Michigan’s Sunrise Coasts: The Storm of 1913

by Julie Royce /
Julie Royce's picture
Jun 11, 2022 / 0 comments

Note: From 6/9/22 through 6/22/22, you can get a free 386-page PDF of Exploring Michigan’s Sunset Coasts. Go to author Julie Royce’s website at Click the button on the sidebar and provide your email. Your email will be deleted once the book is sent. If you like the book, tell your friends and suggest they get the free PDF or buy the book on Amazon. Better yet, if you like it, write a review on Amazon. Let’s promote Michigan! 

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Transitions and Turning Points

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Jun 06, 2022 / 0 comments

In the northern hemisphere, it’s beginning to feel a lot like summer. While the official solstice is still a few weeks away, the unofficial start has already occurred. University students have left their campuses, many school districts are either done or into the final wind downs, summer camp packing is fully underway, and beaches will soon have far more humans than seagulls. 

Lighthouses of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

by Julie Royce /
Julie Royce's picture
May 28, 2022 / 0 comments

From 5/26/22 through 6/8/22, you can get a free 211-page PDF of Exploring Michigan’s Upper Peninsula Coasts. Go to author Julie Royce’s website at Click the button on the sidebar and provide your email. Your email will be deleted once the book is sent. If you like the book, tell your friends and suggest they get the free PDF or buy the book on Amazon. Better yet, if you like it, write a review on Amazon. Let’s promote Michigan!

5 Reasons Why We Love Wear Graphene's Heated Waterproof Jacket

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
May 22, 2022 / 0 comments

Let’s be honest. It’s spring, we want to get in the water. But what to do when Lake Michigan is still quite brisk, but you can’t help yourself? 

5 Reasons Why We Love Wear Graphene's Heated Waterproof Jacket

Water temps in the low 30s...

The Power of Music to Connect Across Place and Time

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
May 16, 2022 / 0 comments

As changes occur across all areas of life, and across all regions of the word, music continues to offer ways to think about events, seek inspiration, and at times take a break to refresh from challenges.

That's true of the music in this episode. We'll celebrate the work of an award-winning musician, remember the passing of another, consider the power of music to connect across place and time, enjoy a quiet time along the road, and celebrate the change of seasons.

The 10 Scariest Ghosts That Haunt Michigan’s Shores

by Julie Royce /
Julie Royce's picture
May 15, 2022 / 0 comments

From 5/26/22 through 6/8/22, you can get a free 211-page PDF of Exploring Michigan’s Upper Peninsula Coasts. Go to author Julie Royce’s website at Click the button on the sidebar and provide your email. Your email will be deleted once the book is sent. If you like the book, tell your friends and suggest they get the free PDF or buy the book on Amazon. Better yet, if you like it, write a review on Amazon. Let’s promote Michigan!


Read This: Exploring Michigan’s Coasts with Julie Royce

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
May 07, 2022 / 0 comments

http://www.jkroyce.wordpress.comFrom 5/26/22 through 6/8/22, you can get a free 211-page PDF of Exploring Michigan’s Upper Peninsula Coasts. Go to author Julie Royce’s website at Click the button on the sidebar and provide your email. Your email will be deleted once the book is sent. If you like the book, tell your friends and suggest they get the free PDF or buy the book on Amazon. Better yet, if you like it, write a review on Amazon.

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Creating Core Memories

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
May 02, 2022 / 0 comments

When you were young, did you know what you wanted to be when you grew up? I still don’t, but I do have friends who were certain of the path for which they were destined. 
