
Asako Maruoka's picture

How to Study Abroad for Free

Do you want to study abroad, but aren't sure how to pay for it? There is a plethora of ways to do so, and a world of reasons WHY to study abroad

Here are two ways to obtain financial assistance for study abroad:

Universities, states, private foundations, and large companies abroad willingly provide financial support to foreign students. “Why?” you may ask. 

It’s simple. 

Lexa Pennington's picture

Learning Literacy: How Teachers Can Affect Reading Skill in Low Socioeconomic Students

Educators know better than anyone: Not all students are created equal. A student’s interest and ability to gain skills and information are highly affected by that student’s home life — if parents or guardians aren’t engaged in their child’s education, the child likely won’t be an enthusiastic or effective learner. This is especially the case with fundamental skills that should be practiced early and often, like literacy.

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Journeying Forward

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Jul 01, 2019 / 0 comments
Have you ever planned a trip?
Whether you’ve gone on a multi-continental expedition or a quick weekend to the next town over, it all started with an idea, perhaps manifested a spark of anticipation and excitement, and culminated with an experiential adventure. No matter how much it cost, what modes of transport were necessary, or how many nights you slept in a luxury resort or a local yurt, the planning stage took place well and truly before the implementation of the journey. 
Lexa Pennington's picture

Building Language Skills with a Foreign Penpal

Only 10 pieces of personal mail are received each year by the average American household. With that number including holiday cards and invitations, there isn’t much room left for letters. It is no longer commonplace for one to write or receive a handwritten letter in the mail, but many believe it is a beautiful gesture.

Through the Eyes of an Educator: the Magic of Summer

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Jun 03, 2019 / 0 comments

As a kid (and as a teacher), I’d count the days till summer, the days between spring break and Memorial Day weekend and then the onslaught of everything that made that last month of school seem like it simultaneously went as quick as lightning and as slow as molasses. Today, my best friend’s daughter is in the final stretch of her sophomore year, and the middle child is quite literally counting the days till that grand bus ride that will take her to sleep away camp.

Lexa Pennington's picture

How to Improve Our Educational System in the 21st Century

Education has become more important today than it has ever been. In the modern age, if you don’t know about one thing, you lose access to an untold amount of opportunities. However, despite the huge significance of education in the present age, many students still fail to succeed 

Bert Maxwell's picture

6 Keys to Academic Success

Academic success is something that you will continue to be rewarded for long after you graduate. The good grades can lead you to your dream career and successful life. This won't simply fall into your lap, though. You need to be willing to put in the right amount of effort and build up the required skills. With these traits, you can be sure that you will go far in life. The best part?

All of this can be cultivated, you don't need to be born with it.

Bert Maxwell's picture

Mobile applications that can help in educating a young mind

Today’s rapidly progressing world of science and technology has made traditional education methods a bit outdated. There is always a new educational app being introduced in the market that can do marvels in childhood education. With the proliferation of educational apps, parents have started giving smartphones to their children. The primary reason behind providing your kid with an electronic gadget is to keep him/her on par with other children’s learning capabilities.

Through the Eyes of an Educator: The Next Generation of Wanderers

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
May 06, 2019 / 0 comments

The other day, I saw an article that declared a growing trend amongst millennials to return to the same vacation spot because [it said] no one wanted to do any research anymore. Now, I spent my entire teaching career making sure my students shied away from generalizations, and forced them to go deeper explaining things like, ‘the person I interacted with’ or ‘this one person I spoke to’ instead of lumping people into amorphous groups of giant sizes.

Lexa Pennington's picture

Best ways to teach students to be more self-disciplined

Self-discipline is a behavioral trait that people acquire through learning and experience. Whether at home or school, the best time to impart self-discipline to someone is when they are still young. All the adults in a young person’s life should participate by encouraging and modeling this. 

Best ways to teach students to be more self-disciplined
