
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Around and Back: A Year and a Day on the Road

The sun was shining when I stopped my motorbike by an old tractor in rural Norway. 15 years earlier, I had worked on a machine just like it for my brother-in-law and I was looking forward to telling him about it at the kitchen table one evening in the future. At the same moment I remembered what I had seen and tried in Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France and England. My travelogue was getting too long for me to tell it over a single cup of tea.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

3 Great Destinations for a Foodie Break

Some holidays are meant for sightseeing, some are for rekindling the romance in your life, and yet some more are aimed at reconnecting with oneself. But, the best kinds of holidays are those that satisfy your creative as well as your culinary needs! If you are fed up with the takeaways and the buffets, then these 3 great gastronomical holiday destinations are where you should be heading!

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Expert Shares Tips on Traveling to Turkey

Well, I’m headed to Turkey next week (YAHOO!) with some of the White House Travel Bloggers, courtesy of Turkish Airlines (thank you!). Expect to see a wave of Turkish travel goodness come your way in the next few months! Follow our hashtags: #WHTravelBloggers, ‪#‎widenyourworld, and‬ ‪#‎lovefromturkey.

Want to go to Paris? HIUSA's 2-week International Exchange Program

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Apr 21, 2015 / 0 comments

Call for Applications: International Exchange Program in Paris

Walking the World of Music with Rani Arbo & daisy mayhem

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Apr 21, 2015 / 1 comments

A young girl who learned music from from medieval to Poulenc to Paul Winter in the choir at a great cathedral, a boy who loved jumping on his parents' bed, not so much for the love of jumping as for the love of the sounds the springs made, another boy who was drawn to the sound of the bagpipes and knew he had to learn to play them, and a boy who found a dusty old guitar and knew he had to figure it out: Rani Arbo, Scott Kessel, Andrew Kinsey, and Anand Nayak began early on their musical paths.

Brianna Krueger's picture

Some Journeys Should Remain the Road Less Traveled

Whoever said it’s about the journey, not the destination has never traveled with my family. We get adventures, but not the kind you scream ‘yeah! Let’s do that again!’ If anything, you’re close to yelling ‘get me out of here!’ and not just because we want to escape each other.

My family could probably afford to stop and smell the roses and see the beauty of the journey, but some journeys should remain the road less traveled.


Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Using Technology to Help Special Needs Students See More of the World

Long before Richard Engel became NBC News’ chief foreign correspondent and won the Medill Medal for Courage in Journalism, he was a special education student at New York’s Riverdale Country School struggling with dyslexia.

He once attacked one of his teachers by hitting her in the head with a xylophone. "The more I was coddled and made to feel like a person with a defect, the more angry I'd feel," he said.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Educational Sites to See in London

Named second on the list of the "World's Best Places to Visit" by U.S. News & World Report, London is an international hub for tourists looking for a destination filled with history and culture.


Educational sites to see in England

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Pinit Smartphone App: Genius Travel Goodness

I'm all for supporting good things, as our Wandering Educators know! And do I have a good one today - it's a smartphone app that is all about sharing travel experiences (read our tagline! We love sharing travel experiences!). It's currently in development, and I'm impressed. Here's why... it was created by a 15 year-old - and we know that millenials know what they are doing online.

Stacey Ebert's picture

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Melbourne, Australia

Last week I caught up with a former high school student who happened to be in San Diego, California for a visit. Now a twenty-something graduate assistant and student finding her way in the world, we spent the day discussing travel wishes, living in new cities, dreams, opportunities, and how learning should be fun.
