
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: 100 Things To Do In Iowa Before You Die

If you've never learned how interesting Iowa is, now's your chance! We're so happy to share a new book by author Sara Broers, entitled 100 Things To Do In Iowa Before You Die. This fascinating book is chock full of cool things about a state you might not know much about (raises hand!). Once you dig in, you'll be amazed at how MUCH there is to do, explore, and see in this cool midwest state. 

Lighthouses of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

by Julie Royce /
Julie Royce's picture
May 28, 2022 / 0 comments

From 5/26/22 through 6/8/22, you can get a free 211-page PDF of Exploring Michigan’s Upper Peninsula Coasts. Go to author Julie Royce’s website at Click the button on the sidebar and provide your email. Your email will be deleted once the book is sent. If you like the book, tell your friends and suggest they get the free PDF or buy the book on Amazon. Better yet, if you like it, write a review on Amazon. Let’s promote Michigan!

Julie Royce's picture

Lighthouses of Michigan’s Sunrise Coast

Author's note: To receive a free PDF of Exploring Michigan’s Upper Peninsula Coasts, visit and request via email on the top right sidebar. Offer available 5/26/22-6/8/22


The 10 Scariest Ghosts That Haunt Michigan’s Shores

by Julie Royce /
Julie Royce's picture
May 15, 2022 / 0 comments

From 5/26/22 through 6/8/22, you can get a free 211-page PDF of Exploring Michigan’s Upper Peninsula Coasts. Go to author Julie Royce’s website at Click the button on the sidebar and provide your email. Your email will be deleted once the book is sent. If you like the book, tell your friends and suggest they get the free PDF or buy the book on Amazon. Better yet, if you like it, write a review on Amazon. Let’s promote Michigan!


Asako Maruoka's picture

How To Pack for a Stay in a Cabin

If hotels are not your thing and camping is way too adventurous for you, then where do you go? Cabins!

Cabins offer the same proximity to nature and outdoorsy experience as any camping adventure, while also letting you settle in cozily after a long day of excursions.

How To Pack for a Stay in a Cabin

Read This: Exploring Michigan’s Coasts with Julie Royce

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
May 07, 2022 / 0 comments

http://www.jkroyce.wordpress.comFrom 5/26/22 through 6/8/22, you can get a free 211-page PDF of Exploring Michigan’s Upper Peninsula Coasts. Go to author Julie Royce’s website at Click the button on the sidebar and provide your email. Your email will be deleted once the book is sent. If you like the book, tell your friends and suggest they get the free PDF or buy the book on Amazon. Better yet, if you like it, write a review on Amazon.

Nomadbehappy's picture

Enjoying McDonald's Around the World: My Top 4 Countries

One of my favorite traditions I’ve come up with while journeying around the world is eating at McDonald’s. I know it seems ridiculous to eat at an American food chain in France or Japan, but hear me out!

Bert Maxwell's picture

8 Best Travel Tips for a Fantastic Journey

Are you planning to travel and take a break from the daily worries of life? Do you know how to plan a successful and fun trip? Here’s all the information you need to plan a journey that encompasses all you need to travel well, from where to go to how to get there to local travel tips.

Asako Maruoka's picture

Planning A Vacation? 6 Tips To Pick Your Destination

With pandemic restrictions slowly lifting, now it’s a great time to move around and travel. Due to work, domestic obligations, and overall life stress, it's always a good idea to take a break and move around as much as you comfortably and safely can. With that said, it's easier said than done to book a place and go through with your travel plans. The hardest part of the experience is picking a place to visit (So. Many. Choices.), and that's where most people scrap the idea entirely.

Through the Eyes of an Educator: From Forward Movement to Giant Leaps

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Apr 05, 2022 / 0 comments

In 2012, when Hurricane Sandy struck, I lived in Long Beach, NY. Living right on the ocean meant the threat of a hurricane could necessitate a water rescue. We were able to safely evacuate and had a safe place to stay. We left for our own safety—and so that no rescuers would need to risk their own life to save us. In the hurricane’s aftermath, we volunteered at the Long Beach Ice Arena, which quickly became the donation/distribution hub for the entire barrier island. Help came from everywhere.
