
Bert Maxwell's picture

Why You Need To Prioritize Health And Wellness When You Travel

Traveling is really exciting, and it allows you to explore new cultures (and foods!), create lasting memories, and meet interesting people. However, it can be very easy to let your health and wellness suffer through the rigors of traveling. There are many new foods to try and a regular schedule to deal with; wanting to make the most of your trip can sometimes lead to you neglecting your mental well-being and physical health. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Close to the heart: Women-led NFT project PUL3E to launch charitable mission to raise funds for Heart Failure

PUL3E is an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) project founded by Emilie and her partner Andrew, creating unique digital art on the Ethereum blockchain. PUL3E have pledged to donate 5-10% of all proceeds raised from selling their NFT art to Heart Failure charities. Their 3D animated artwork is based on a 3D model of the human heart and true-to-life ECG patterns, showcasing a range of heart conditions and abnormalities.

Asako Maruoka's picture

Sleep Deprivation in College Students: How to Cope?

Sleep deprivation is a prevalent condition amongst college students. Around 70% to 96% of students get less than 7-hours of sleep every night. That is about two hours less than the recommended sleep guidelines!

Sleep Deprivation in College Students: How to Cope?

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Bucket List This: 5 Ways to Celebrate Life by Traveling

Travel is amazing for a plethora of reasons: to learn about others, to increase your intercultural awareness, to eat great food, and to experience new ways of being in the world, to name a few. People make bucket lists to achieve milestones in travel – and ways to plan their goals. But when you’ve been sick, or have been in poor health, travel can seem like the furthest thing from your mind. 

Bucket List This: 5 Ways to Celebrate Life by Traveling

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Here's what you need to know for the healthiest travel possible

Whether you’re traveling to the next state over or heading across the world, one of the most important things you should prepare for is your health. I’m not only thinking of insurance, which is essential, but all of the other things you can do to start, stay, and arrive home safely and in good health.

Top Health Travel Apps

by Lexa Pennington /
Lexa Pennington's picture
Oct 20, 2012 / 0 comments

Keeping healthy on the road is critical to travel success. We all know to wash our hands, drink bottled water, and make sure to eat right. But how else can we harness technology (i.e., travel apps) to help us stay healthy while we’re traveling?