Travel Photos: Summer in Southeast Asia

by Gabriel Miller / Sep 04, 2012 / 1 comments

This summer we did lots of things. But the highlight was our trip to Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Here are some photos of our trip.


incense sticks

incense sticks


These are sticks that people roll incense onto and then burn. We saw people doing this. They used cinnamon, water, and a few other things that I forget. We bought some.



dragon sculpture in the old city palace complex

dragon sculpture in the old city palace complex


My sister Hannah loves dragons, and this is one we saw at a wat in Vietnam. No, it’s not all gold. That’s just gold plating.



women working in a rice paddy

women working in a rice paddy


My mother was on a walk one day on an island. She was taking pictures of people in rice paddies when they asked her if she wanted to help. She took the offer and got a lot of prickers in her pants. We were picking them out for at least a week.



Angkor Wat


This is a tree we saw in Angkor Wat. Although you can only see the roots in the picture above, these trees are a lot bigger than I thought they would be. That is my sister standing there next to the roots.



stone carvings of a buddha riding a three headed elephant

stone carvings of a buddha riding a three headed elephant


This is the most detailed carving in any ruin that I have ever seen. It is also in Angkor Wat. I don’t know how it was able to stay preserved throughout all these years.



me actually riding on a kite surfing board

me actually riding on a kite surfing board


me falling off the kite surfing board

me falling off the kite surfing board


My dad, mom, sister, and I are taking kitesurfing lessons. That is me up on the board, and in the water. It’s a lot harder than it looks. The farthest I have made it is probably thirty meters.

Not much.


It was a good summer and I am looking forward to the next one. My first summer in Southeast Asia has been a good one – and I am looking forward to the next!



Gabriel Miller is a member of the Youth Travel Blogging Mentorship Program


All photos courtesy and copyright Gabriel Miller

Comments (1)

  • pen4hire

    12 years 1 month ago

    What a fortunate guy you are to have such a fantastic summer trip. I waited many many years to get to Cambodia, becaue it was at war when I was your age. But I finally got there and it was magnificent.

    Keep traveling! And keep writing! 


    Vera Marie Badertscher

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