Ancient Greece in Pictures

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Nov 03, 2010 / 1 comments

The black and white photographs of ancient Greek sites and monuments by Josh Garrick are unique for one very special reason.  Garrick – our correspondent for the ARTS in Florida – was privileged to be the only American allowed by the Greek Ephorate of Antiquities to climb the scaffolding that surrounds one side of the building to photograph this ancient Temple to Athena from the roof and scaffolding during its current re-construction – an honor not normally extended to a citizen of any country other than Greece.


Josh Garrick - Parthenon, Athens, Greece

In unique photographs, Garrick captures the city of Athens from the roof of the Parthenon, ‘comparing’ the real distance between the two as well as the historical distance that exists today. Some prints focus on specific columns and the manner in which workmen of today are creating marble ‘sculptures’ that fit the marble fragments, discovered and reclaimed by archaeologists, to be placed back in their original position in the monument.  Garrick received this special honor in recognition of his love of the country as witnessed from a course that he taught for the prestigious School of Visual Arts in New York City in which he brought American students to Greece to study the ancient sites.

This week Garrick opens the first of a two-part retrospective of his work at the Peabody Auditorium in Daytona Beach, where those photographs will be joined by others that he has taken over years of visiting Greece as a professor and art historian.  The photographs will be on display in Daytona until January 11 when the exhibit will move to the new Lee James Art Gallery in Downtown Orlando. Photographer, writer, and fine art curator Josh Garrick will present “No Stone Unturned – A Photographic Celebration of Ancient Greece” in Daytona from November 4 to January 11 and in Orlando from January 12 to February 12.


Josh Garrick - Parthenon, Athens, Greece

"Some people assume I have a Greek heritage,” Garrick says. “I certainly feel very much at home when I’m there, but when I’m asked where my fascination with all things Greek comes from, it is formed by my sincere and deep respect for the fact that in that tiny country – at a very specific period of time – much of what we understand to be art, history, theatre, philosophy, judgment and that elusive term ‘taste’ may be traced to that place and time. It is my honor to be a constant ‘student’ of that magical time in our humanity. I would tell my students that the responsibility of the photographer is to help the viewer “see in a different way.”  I feel an almost religious responsibility for photographing the ancient Greek monuments, and at its best, I hope my work can move the viewer’s emotion and sense of shared history.  The best part of my life has nurtured my curiosity and that passion for ancient Greece.  Photographs are my way to share that curiosity and passion.”

Several free “Art Talks” accompany the exhibit, the first of which will be at DeBary’s Gateway Center for the Arts on November 4 at 7 pm. The second ‘Art Talk’ by Mr. Garrick will be held at the Peabody Auditorium on Thursday, November 18 from 2 to 4 pm. The talks are free and the public is invited. The Peabody Auditorium is located at 600 Auditorium Boulevard in Daytona Beach.

While Garrick’s black-and-white images document the current re-construction of the Parthenon in Athens, Garrick has exhibited in one-man shows in New York City and throughout Central Florida. As a teacher at the School of Visual Arts in New York City, Garrick led 15 student groups to Greece for a course titled “The Art & Culture of Ancient Greece.” Garrick’s photographs have appeared in Photo District News, U&lc, and Archaeology magazines, the New York Post, in advertising for Olympic Airways, and on the cover of the New York Gallery Guide.


Josh Garrick - Parthenon, Athens, Greece

The public may visit the Peabody Auditorium Gallery Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm. Mr. Garrick may be reached at joshgarrick776[at], and the Gallery may be reached at .  The time-line of activities is as follows:

“No Stone Unturned – A Photographic Celebration of Ancient Greece”


Peabody Auditorium, Daytona Beach

600 Auditorium Boulevard

Daytona Beach, Florida 32118 / 386.671.3462  

Opens November 4, 2010 to January 11, 2011 --  when exhibit moves to Orlando

“Art Talk I” – November 4 at 7 pm – Gateway Center for the Arts, DeBary, Florida

“Art Talk II” – November 18 at 2 pm – Peabody Auditorium, Daytona

Artist’s Reception – December 19 from 5 pm to 7 pm -- Peabody Auditorium, Daytona

Closing Reception – January 8 from 5 pm to 7 pm  -- Peabody Auditorium, Daytona

“No Stone Unturned – A Photographic Celebration of Ancient Greece”


Lee James Art Gallery, City Arts Factory, 29 South Orange Avenue in Orlando

Opens January 11, 2011 to February 12, 2011

Artist’s Reception – Thursday, January 20, 2011



All photos courtesy and copyright Josh Garrick.


This is part of Photo Friday at DeliciousBaby. Head over there to see more great travel photos from around the world!

Comments (1)

  • Beth Whitman

    14 years 3 months ago

    These are really so unique. I'm not used to seeing images in black and white which makes these stand out. And the skewed angle on the one image is fantastic!

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