
Read This: Exploring Michigan’s Coasts with Julie Royce

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
May 07, 2022 / 0 comments

http://www.jkroyce.wordpress.comFrom 5/26/22 through 6/8/22, you can get a free 211-page PDF of Exploring Michigan’s Upper Peninsula Coasts. Go to author Julie Royce’s website at Click the button on the sidebar and provide your email. Your email will be deleted once the book is sent. If you like the book, tell your friends and suggest they get the free PDF or buy the book on Amazon. Better yet, if you like it, write a review on Amazon.

John Hattie and Kyle Hattie's picture

Renowned Education Researchers on “I Love Learning”

The following is an excerpt from 10 Steps to Develop Great Learners by Professor John Hattie and Educator Kyle Hattie.

10 Steps to Develop Great Learners by Professor John Hattie and Educator Kyle Hattie.

Christopher Emdin's picture

Growing the Rhyme and Encouraging Imagination

Read This: Examining a Creative Life Well-Lived in Books By Hand

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Feb 24, 2022 / 0 comments
Have you ever known an artist that is so completely immersed in the creative life that they just glow with it…for a lifetime? Such is the case with an extraordinary artist, Gerard Brender à Brandis, whom we interviewed at his studio in Stratford, Ontario several years ago, and kept visiting whenever we were in town. (His studio is closed now, and only open by appointment.) 
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: Captivating History Comes Alive with The School of Mirrors

This is one of those magnificent books. You know...a book that you cannot put down, that time travels you back to a specific place and, while you’re reading it, you’re so engrossed that you look up and are surprised to be in the now? 

Read This: Captivating History Comes Alive with The School of Mirrors

A.G. Castillo's picture

Valiente: Courage and Consequences

In Valiente: Courage and Consequences, Chente Jimenez is a popular high school athlete who bravely navigates his road to self-acceptance and boldly confronts homophobia in the locker room. His road to self-discovery is filled with the impulsive innocence of young love and the cruelty of social media gossip.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Celebrating Resilience and Our Wild, Outrageous Capacity for Love: Jeannine Ouellette's The Part That Burns

Oh, this book. I just finished The Part That Burns, an extraordinary, powerful, must-read memoir by Jeannine Ouellette. The Part That Burns epitomizes what Parul Sehgal, in a recent New Yorker article on trauma, wrote: "trauma becomes but one rung of a ladder. Climb it; what else will you see?" In The Part That Burns, Ouellette does, indeed, climb a ladder from trauma to healing.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Write This: Author Lọlá Ákínmádé Åkerström on Intercultural Life, Social Issues, and Including the World

We have long loved the creative artistry of Lọlá Ákínmádé Åkerström. She's a magnificent writer and photographer (check out our early interview with her here), a compelling speaker (listen to her TED talk!), and has a new book out that I absolutely DEVOURED. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: Longing for Istanbul: The Words I Haven't Said Yet

She's done it again. With her latest book, featuring 11 beautiful, powerfully written essays, author Lisa Morrow shares the joys and challenges of living in Istanbul, Turkey. The essays span the gamut of emotions and experiences of living abroad, from small daily details to larger, overarching themes, and from vocabulary to cultural differences to the magic of finding home.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: Joy, Culture, and Celebration in Maria Pasquale's How to Be Italian

Let me tell you about my new favorite book, How to Be Italian: Eat, Drink, Dress, Travel, and Love la dolce vita. It is beautifully written by Maria Pasquale, the author of I Heart Rome. Born to Italian parents, Maria always knew Rome was her destiny, although she was raised in Melbourne. With a formal background in political science and history, she is now an award-winning food and travel writer and journalist and contributes regularly to USA Today, CNN, Condé Nast, and The Telegraph.
