teaching abroad

Asako Maruoka's picture

Essential Must-Haves for Aspiring English Teachers Abroad

Teaching English as a foreign language presents an incredible opportunity for individuals seeking both professional growth and personal adventure. With more than 1.5 billion learners of English worldwide, the demand for skilled English teachers is immense and continues to grow. 

Essential Must-Haves for Aspiring English Teachers Abroad

Lexa Pennington's picture

Teaching in Andorra: A Guide for Educators Looking for Adventure

Ever caught yourself daydreaming about swapping the staff room for stunning mountain views? Teaching in Andorra might just be the ticket. Tucked away in the Pyrenees, Andorra's got more going for it than just Instagram-worthy landscapes. It's a place where teachers can mix their passion for the job with a dash of adventure. But don’t just pack your bags and go—there’s a bit more to it.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Twotravellingteflers: #TeachAbroadBecause ... experience is the best teacher

Hi! We’re Rich and Kate. Three years ago, we decided to leave our cosy, normal lives back in the UK to go and find something different. That ‘different’ was a new life as teachers in South East Asia. After some time, we decided that we would like to share some of our experiences with anyone who had similar interests to us, and so, the twotravellingteflers adventure was born. We offer a tiny look into our lives of travel, TEFL, and Thailand.

Bert Maxwell's picture

Get Your Finances In Order Before Your Nomadic Teaching Adventures

One of the major drawcards to life as a traveling educator is that you get to experience different cultures without having to forego your passion for teaching. Debt can place a damper on that experience, and according to research, those with debt  experience high levels of guilt and shame.

Lexa Pennington's picture

How to Set Up Your Own Online Shop While Traveling

If you are studying or teaching abroad for a prolonged period of time, you may find yourself looking for alternative sources of income. However, many visa programs do not allow students and teachers to work more than a certain number of hours per week. So, how can you supplement your finances so you can make the most of your time abroad? This is where setting up your own online shop comes in. It’s easy, instant and lets you sell items you no longer need or have collected during your travels.

Lexa Pennington's picture

Preparing Yourself To Teach A Language Abroad

Are you the type of individual who would love to be able to travel for work? You’re not the only one. Every year, thousands of people travel to other countries to begin working abroad, while getting paid for their efforts. Believe it or not, there are enormous possibilities out there for those that want to make money, while traveling  and living abroad. One of the most popular ways to make money while traveling is by teaching a language.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Life as an Overseas Educator: Kids, Camels, and Cairo

Wondering about what life is like, teaching overseas? Global Educator Jill Dobbe (read our #teachabroadbecause interview with here here) has penned a fascinating, intriguing book that details teaching in Egypt, called Kids, Camels, and Cairo. In this book, she reflects honestly about moving a family abroad, teaching in a different country, and cultural adjustment. 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

You must only to love them: Lessons Learned in Turkey


Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

#TeachAbroadBecause … it's life’s greatest lesson

Marie is passionate about travel and languages. She is studying Translation, Interpretation, and Intercultural Management in Paris. She speaks French, Spanish, and English fluently and is currently learning Italian and Breton. Marie’s goal is to speak as many languages as possible, mostly learning them by travelling around the world. 

Ann Marie Mershon's picture

Ready to be an Expat? A life overseas is within your grasp

Got the travel bug? Always planning your next big trek? I have had it bad, but as a teacher, funds were limited. Sigh...

I decided to feed my travel bug by sponsoring overseas student tours, which gave me an opportunity to see the world (for free) as I exposed my students to life beyond our northwoods community. Traveling with teens was a joy (well, mostly)—their enthusiasm great fun. 
