travel tips

Lexa Pennington's picture

Boat Rental—The Best Way to Discover the Bahamas

Renting a boat is arguably the best way to explore the Bahamas.

Spread out in the Atlantic Ocean, the Bahamas has 700 islands. With the sea mass far outstriping the amount of land, hopping from island to island to your own liking is the only way to go about a holiday here. Boat rental is the most liberating form of are four reasons why:

Bert Maxwell's picture

How to get the most out of travelling

The thing is, it’s not all about the places you explore, but also how you get to each them. If you tried exploring say, 3 cities within a week, you might find yourself travelling for 4 days of that week. Enjoying your transport is so important to your experience and memories.

How to get the most out of travelling

History Comes Alive in Tokyo

by Sandy Bornstein /
Sandy Bornstein's picture
Jan 14, 2020 / 0 comments

To get acquainted with Tokyo’s history, with which I am unfamiliar, I started my journey at the city’s history museum, the Edo-Tokyo Museum. From the early 17th century until the mid 19th century, the Tokugawa shogunate ruled Japan from this city. By touring the permanent exhibit filled with artifacts and replicas, we learned about the 400 years of history from the Edo period to the present. 

History Comes Alive in Tokyo

Lexa Pennington's picture

Mom's Guide to the Most Relaxing Vacation Places in the US

Attention all moms! Do you need a break from the rigors of life? Some time to relax, unwind, and recharge your batteries?

Of course you do.

Luckily, the US has many great vacation destinations that will help you do just that. Here are seven such places. 

Mom's Guide to the Most Relaxing Vacation Places in the US

Lexa Pennington's picture

Travel Tips: How to Reach Koh Phangan From Bangkok

Koh Phangan Island is situated in the Gulf of Thailand. It is a paradise boasting of golden beaches, turquoise water, towering mountains, swaying palms, and lots of panoramic vistas. Koh Phangan is also popular for its full moon party, which takes place only once in some months. It is loaded with scintillating music and dance. The party lasts all night and participants head back after sunrise. 

You can easily add Koh Phangan to your Bangkok must-see destination list.

History Comes Alive in Taos, New Mexico

by Sandy Bornstein /
Sandy Bornstein's picture
Dec 23, 2019 / 0 comments

Where in the United States can you visit the oldest continuously inhabited Native American community, a town square dating to the end of the 18th century, a world-renowned art community, and a world-class ski resort? Taos, New Mexico is the correct answer. While many people visit Northern New Mexico for its moderate climate and Rio Grande Valley scenery, history comes alive in Taos.

History Comes Alive in Taos, New Mexico

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

How to Save Money and Time: Expert Shares Top Travel Planning Tips

The more you save, the more you can travel–that’s my motto. And saving money (and time) are critical factors to remember when you are planning your travels. Sure, we’ve all heard budget travel tips…but which ones to believe?

Here are my top travel planning tips for saving both money AND time on your journeys. Hint: the main concept here is research!

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

5 reasons you should take a cooking class while traveling

When you travel, do you actively seek out local experiences? We do, and they enrich our lives beyond measure.

10 Places Where History Comes Alive in Munich

by Sandy Bornstein /
Sandy Bornstein's picture
Nov 12, 2019 / 0 comments

The capital of Bavaria, Munich, has a plethora of historical sites. However, time was not in our favor. Our first trip was limited to just a couple of days of touring. To sample Munich’s history, we relied on a friend and our private guide, Chaim Eytan, to show us around. Perhaps a future trip will provide more options. For the time being, here are 10 places where history comes alive in Munich.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Travel Tips: The Best Place to Experience the Magic of Christmas

Do you remember when you were a little kid, and the entire holiday season was magical, with delights around every corner? From the brisk air and corresponding outdoor adventures to treats chosen specifically for you to incredible, once-a-year foods, it’s hard recapture that once you’ve grown past that believe-in-magic stage.

Luckily for us, this experience IS able to be recaptured, and makes you believe in the magic of the holidays again.


How and where, I hear you ask!
