lifelong learning

Bert Maxwell's picture

The Role of Educators in Enhancing Students' Learning Experiences

Educators play a fundamental role in shaping the educational experiences that mold students' futures. As the landscape of education continually evolves, so too does the approach that teachers must take to effectively engage and inspire their students. Today's educators are expected not only to impart knowledge, but also to enhance the learning environment, making it more dynamic, inclusive, and tailored to diverse student needs.

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Becoming a Cartographer

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Mar 06, 2023 / 0 comments

These days we can’t go more than four minutes on any social media platform without noticing someone sharing about doing life their own way. Any number of hashtags, from vanlife to roadschooling and living off the grid, pop up to intrigue viewers to follow the journey of those choosing to do their own thing. Perhaps we’re moving into a time of life where the non-traditional is becoming traditional, or perhaps, if that’s not the case, it’s the bubble in which my brain wants to live. 

Lexa Pennington's picture

Why is Lifelong Learning a Vital Tool for Educators?

Teachers, by the very nature of their job, have an instinct for learning, distilling and sharing information, and they are also the very symbol of a lifelong passion for discovering new things. “The need for imagination, as a sense of truth, and as a feeling of responsibility—these are the three forces which are the very nerve of education,” said Rudolf Steiner, yet when this need is ignited,  it never truly ends.

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Simple Travel Joys

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Mar 03, 2020 / 0 comments

When do you get excited for a trip? The minute you book it, when the calendar page turns to the month of your journey, when you’re packing, when you’re on your way, upon arrival, or from the moment of idea conception? Whenever that travel joy hits, do your eyes brighten, corners of your mouth upturn, shoulders drop, and breathing ebb?

When that first simple joy of travel is upon you...once it hits, it’s hard to let it go. 

Asako Maruoka's picture

GAP year is a great opportunity for students. Here’s why:

High school is tough, and at times takes a toll on you by exhausting your wits, and no one is to blame, as tough essay writing tasks, homework, and peer pressure can crank your enthusiasm level down. Most students are so focused on their academic achievements that they overlook the importance of their well-being, which is required to survive real life! Here's how you can take a break from anxiety and recharge for the best.

Through the Eyes of an Educator: The Learning Continues

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Feb 04, 2019 / 0 comments

Do you remember your time in a classroom? Perhaps there are flickering images of building with blocks, playing handball at recess, or you can possibly grasp the names of your teachers all the way back to kindergarten. Perhaps you remember running the mile in physical education, joining your first bake sale, or that time you wanted to learn to play the flute.

Through the Eyes of an Educator: New York City, New York

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Jul 05, 2016 / 0 comments

My Dad works in New York City and I grew up a 45-minute train ride away from Manhattan. For me and countless others in the metropolitan area, those famous five boroughs are ‘the city.’ Manhattan has a pulse all its own. Millions call this place home and even more travel in and out daily, weekly, monthly, and of course, to visit. Thousands show up ready to move in and make a new start, embrace a new journey, try their hands at something new, or break into a new world.