Asako Maruoka's picture

NFT Travel Guides: Bagels and Wurst


One of our travel guides partners, Not For Tourists, has several unique offerings on their website this week. Check out the following highlights...


Reinventing Grand Army Plaza Exhibit, by Molly Riordan

Grand Army Plaza

IREX Grants for Eurasia/E Europe Symposium

by Lexa Pennington /
Lexa Pennington's picture
Sep 17, 2008 / 0 comments

Grant for US Graduate Students, Pre-Tenure Faculty and Professionals

2009 IREX/WWC Regional Policy Symposium:

Machrihanish Dunes a New Golf Venue on the West Coast of Scotland

by Dana Buttenhoff /
Dana Buttenhoff's picture
Sep 17, 2008 / 1 comments

Joel Carillet's picture

Hidden Treasures: Strawberry Oatmeal in Singapore

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Book Review of the Week: Life is a Verb

HOW often do we read a book that truly, incredibly, deeply, changes your life?  Hardly ever for me, to be honest. I recently found such a book - it is Patti Digh's new book, life is a verb: 37 days to wake up, be mindful, and live intentionally.


Michigan's Small Town Treasures: A Short Side Trip to Cross Village

by Julie Royce /
Julie Royce's picture
Sep 15, 2008 / 1 comments

Twenty miles from Harbor Springs, if you follow the magnificent Tunnel
of Trees route along M-119, is Cross Village. The route takes you along

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

September Photographer of the Month: Kerry Dexter

Our September Photographer of the Month is Kerry Dexter. I've known her for a long time through, as one of the Music Correspondents.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

An Extraordinary Resource: Delicious Baby

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

The Little Travelers

My favorite summer vacation: Nica y Costa '08!!

by kimlarge / Sep 15, 2008 / 1 comments

