Best Of

Kerry Dexter's picture

Women of Ireland: Music

In the spring of the year,  it is a time to think about Ireland, as celebrations of Saint Bridgid’s Day and Saint Patrick’s Day appear on the calendar. It is also a time when the contributions of women to present day events and to history are marked.

Up Close and Personal with the Terracotta Army

by Adrian Landsberg /
Adrian Landsberg's picture
Mar 13, 2014 / 0 comments


“Hi there.”

Oh no, not another guide trying to sell me his services, I turned around to give another resounding no but was greeted by…

“Don't worry, I'm not a guide.”

The Best of Ireland: an A to Z Guide

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Mar 09, 2014 / 0 comments

Ireland reaches out and grabs you. It lures you in with extraordinary green landscapes, good food and drink, and hospitable people, and keeps you there with history, music, and new friends. If you’re planning a trip to Ireland, or just thinking about things to do for St. Patrick’s Day, we’ve got you covered.

Travel Writers' Guide: 50+ Best Science Museums Around the World

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Mar 07, 2014 / 0 comments

One of the questions I hear most often (besides how to teach your kids to love art) is how to combine science and travel. I have two words: Science Museums! We love them, we visit them whenever we can, and we have such fun.

Visiting Lisbon and Sintra

by Talia Klundt /
Talia Klundt's picture
Feb 27, 2014 / 0 comments

Portugal had long been on my list to visit for many years, but somehow despite living in Europe for over seven years, I never managed to make it over there. I have heard so many great things about Lisbon that I knew I had to make it happen, so last year my boyfriend and I decided it was time to book our tickets.

Lindsey Sirju's picture

An Insider’s Guide to Bermuda: Best Beaches

With well-known miles of pink sandy beaches, the kind that incites jealously among friends when showing off your vacation pictures, you’re probably thinking that this list might be a waste. “Every beach is gorgeous! It’s Bermuda!” you might say.

Kerry Dexter's picture

Collaborations: Music from the Heart

One of the good things about music is that while the art lends itself to listening and creating on one’s own, collaboration is also a natural joyful thing in both the creation and sharing of songs and tunes.


10 Things to do in Colorado

by Jackson Duckworth /
Jackson Duckworth's picture
Feb 11, 2014 / 0 comments

Mountains, camping, hiking, sand dunes, hot springs, history—Colorado has it all! A must visit for every extreme sports fanatic, nature lover, and the one who loves to just sit and enjoy themselves in a heavenly natural hot springs, there are endless reasons to travel to Colorado.

Use an Online Savings Account to Save Money No Matter Where You Travel

by Bert Maxwell /
Bert Maxwell's picture
Jan 29, 2014 / 0 comments

Once you embrace the wandering educator life, you have to accept that you may not have a steady paycheck like some of your peers. Yes, you may spend a year working for a single school in one country, but then it may be three to six months before you get your next teaching job. Or, you may choose to take some time off to travel, strapping on your backpack to see where you end up.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Crater Lake

We love the work of our BC Editor, Curtis Cunningham. He's a photographer with an EYE. Now, one might argue that all photographers have that eye, but Curtis is something special.
