
Bert Maxwell's picture

Check Out These Important Marketing Ideas for Your Business

There are many tactics you need to assess when it comes to improving the marketing of your business, with an eye for the future. You have to do as much as possible to make your company a success, and one of the best ways of doing this is to make sure you have a diverse range of marketing methods, useful in both the local and global economy. Today, it is critical to make sure you are focused on improving the marketing process within your business, to reach the right people. 

Here are some of the best ways you can promote and market your company more effectively right now. 

Music for Shifting Times: Lighting the Path

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Aug 19, 2019 / 0 comments

Light to dark and back again, times and news and stories shift. Music for Shifting Times is what we decided to call this series about music. It proved more prescient than we could have known back when we began.

What lights the path, where and how to draw strength when darkness closes in and challenges rise is one of the ideas that is a constant in what I share with you.

Music and Connection: Telling Stories

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Jul 15, 2019 / 0 comments

A conversation with a friend, a passing exchange with a stranger, a favorite show, an article in a magazine or a headline in a newspaper, a window display, a note in a journal, a sketch on a napkin, a photograph, a book, a song: these are all stories, all ways in which we organize, create, and remember our days, and our lives.

How we tell these stories, to ourselves and to each other, shapes and shares perspectives on the world. In shifting times, especially, it is important to think about such perspectives and ways we share and shape them.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Wandering Educators’ Florida Editor and Extraordinary Artist to Show His Artwork– A Free-Ranging Interview with Josh Garrick


Wandering Educators’ Florida Editor and Extraordinary Artist to Show His Artwork– A Free-Ranging Interview with Josh Garrick

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Journeying Forward

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Jul 01, 2019 / 0 comments
Have you ever planned a trip?
Whether you’ve gone on a multi-continental expedition or a quick weekend to the next town over, it all started with an idea, perhaps manifested a spark of anticipation and excitement, and culminated with an experiential adventure. No matter how much it cost, what modes of transport were necessary, or how many nights you slept in a luxury resort or a local yurt, the planning stage took place well and truly before the implementation of the journey. 
Enock Makasi's picture

Life isn’t fair

Life isn’t fair

There are those who travelled from far distance across the mountains, rivers, and seas

 seeking protection from wars, diseases, and natural disasters from every direction. 

Our initial experiences are still driven by fear 

The fear of losing loved ones, and we can't afford to lose another 

Florida Artist Creates Unique Monument to “Unmourned Animals”

In the Hartsdale, New York Pet Cemetery, there is now a bronze and granite memorial unlike the hundreds of ‘monuments’ – large and small – dedicated to the animals who once had a loving human companion.

Music and Horizons: Stories of Hope

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Jun 19, 2019 / 0 comments

Early summer: it's often a season of weddings, graduations, changes, endings, new beginnings. The shifting world situations which were at the beginnings of this series of articles continue to evolve and present their own challenges, too. With those things in mind, here are five pieces of music to spark and accompany reflection, contemplation, celebration, and hope.

Music and Horizons: Stories of Hope

Through the Eyes of an Educator: the Magic of Summer

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Jun 03, 2019 / 0 comments

As a kid (and as a teacher), I’d count the days till summer, the days between spring break and Memorial Day weekend and then the onslaught of everything that made that last month of school seem like it simultaneously went as quick as lightning and as slow as molasses. Today, my best friend’s daughter is in the final stretch of her sophomore year, and the middle child is quite literally counting the days till that grand bus ride that will take her to sleep away camp.

Lexa Pennington's picture

How to Improve Our Educational System in the 21st Century

Education has become more important today than it has ever been. In the modern age, if you don’t know about one thing, you lose access to an untold amount of opportunities. However, despite the huge significance of education in the present age, many students still fail to succeed 
