
Lillie Forteau's picture

Love, Tears, Revolution: Why You Need To See Les Misérables

There are very few moments of joy in this musical, but you leave the theatre wanting more, after seeing such beauty onstage.

Such is the power of the musical, Les Misérables. Playing this week at Western Michigan' University's Miller Auditorium as part of the Zhang Financial Broadway series, this is one show you won't want to miss.

Here's what to pay attention to (besides the story, and the singing):


Music for a New Year

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Jan 20, 2020 / 0 comments

The turning of a year invites looking forward and looking back. The ancient Romans knew this, hence Janus, from whom January takes its name, faces in both directions. Seismic changes in all areas of life seem to be almost normal in these last years, which is certainly a looking-both-ways statement in itself.

Music for a New Year

Through the Eyes of an Educator: New Year–New Mindset

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Jan 06, 2020 / 0 comments

What are your first thoughts upon opening your eyes on January 1st? Are you ready to jump in with both feet, are you thinking the same things you did 24 hours ago, or are you nervous, yet excited to see what’s to come? Somewhere in there is a little bit of each of us. That first whiff of a new year is something special. Roll all of your favorite smells into one and you’ve got that first breath of air on the 1st of January.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Write This: Author Patricia Leavy on Setting, Inspiration, and Teaching in her New Novel, Film

One of my favorite authors, Patricia Leavy, has done it again. With her new novel, Film, she covers a lot of ground: following your dreams, the magic of serendipity, the importance of friends, and the importance of pop culture in life, as well as in teaching (!!).
I loved this book for so many reasons; let me just say: READ IT.

Music for Starry Winter Nights

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Dec 15, 2019 / 0 comments

It is winter in the northern hemisphere.

Unsettled weather in every sense of the word, in every part of the world, at this December.

Yet, that very unsettled aspect can offer encouragement and means to treasure connections, to deepen them, to look for those things which we hold in common rather than what divides us. Yes, that can be hard, but the long term consequences of the alternatives are harder still.

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Life lessons, resolutions, and growth

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Dec 02, 2019 / 0 comments

In high school, senioritis is as real as it gets. For some, it begins that first day in September when students realize they’re officially the ‘big dogs’ in the building. For others, it’s those last weeks or months taking stock in each moment, each milestone, and getting ready, with both trepidation and excitement, for that next stage after graduation. School years have a start and an end. Whether in homeschooling or traditional brick and mortar ones, one grade finishes before the other fully begins.

Autumn Stories in Music

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Nov 19, 2019 / 0 comments

Autumn: a season turning leaves, of changes in landscape, of conversation, of reflection, of renewal. A season of preparation for holiday celebrations, and for thinking about what oncoming winter may hold. 

Autumn Stories in Music

Lillie Forteau's picture

Feed Me A Cult Classic: Little Shop of Horrors at Stratford Festival

Hop over to skid row to be enchanted by Stratford Festival's production of Little Shop of Horrors.

There truly is no topping what Stratford puts on. Anything they set their heart to, they go hard, strong, and with all of the passion in the world. You can feel the love put into this show. From the actors to the sets, everything is clean, crisp, and polished.

Lillie Forteau's picture

Why You Need To See The Unlikely Candidates Live

Flaunting outsider panache and theatrical hooks as oversized as their home state of Texas, The Unlikely Candidates formed at a high school party before going on to release three EPs and log countless miles on the road alongside everyone from Sublime With Rome, The Offspring, the Dirty Heads, Goo Goo Dolls, and Fall Out Boy. 

Rosie Carbo's picture

San Antonio Museum of Art Rocks With New Chinese Acquisition

Texans like to say that “everything is big in Texas.” But the latest six-and-a-half-ton acquisition by the San Antonio Museum of Art gives credence to the familiar saying.

The city of Wuxi, China, gave the city a 12-foot Taihu rock to help promote Chinese art and culture in the Alamo city. The massive rock was installed in the pavilion behind the museum prior to the recent unveiling. 
