
Stasia Lopez's picture

Bekah Waldron: #CommunityCollegeBecause ... Family

Rebekah (Bekah) Waldron studied psychology at the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC), at the North campus, and recently graduated in May 2020. She initially started her higher education journey at West Virginia University (WVU) in 2016, but when her dad passed away, she decided to stay and be near family...which ended up being the best decision for her.  

 Bekah Waldron: #CommunityCollegeBecause...Family

Through the Eyes of an Educator: 5 Actionable Steps for Re-Entry Amidst a Pandemic

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Jun 01, 2020 / 0 comments

It’s a weird world we live in right now, that’s for sure. Some kids are headed back to traditional brick and mortar schooling this year, while others will be in some sort of distance learning for the foreseeable future. Some parents will be headed back to in-person work, complete with public transportation and all the new physical distancing protocols, while others will do their best to handle remote work in whatever space they’re lucky enough to call home for a while longer. And yet others are out of work and don’t know when their situation will change.

Stasia Lopez's picture

Tips for Jobseekers during a Recession: a Career Services Professional's Tale

Picture it: Pittsburgh; the year was 2008. I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Hospitality and Tourism Management from Robert Morris University. I had a wonderful undergraduate experience, where I was hyper-conscious of making sure I made myself employable from this expensive degree, because I was the first to attend college in my family and I wanted to help my family and make them proud.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Diana Kennedy: Nothing Fancy—Always Looking for Flavor with the 'Indiana Jones of Food'

Cookbook author and food researcher/educator Diana Kennedy, now 97 years old, is the subject of a brilliant new biographical movie, Diana Kennedy: Nothing Fancy.

Diana Kennedy: Nothing Fancy—Always Looking for Flavor with the 'Indiana Jones of Food'

Music for Connection and Contemplation

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
May 19, 2020 / 0 comments

Music can invite and encourage contemplation and connection, solitude and community.  Participating in arts of all sorts allows, invites, and encourages perspective and reflection.

At times, this also makes space for a place of rest.

With those ideas in mind, take a listen to the differing ways these musicians invite you into all of this.

Music for Connection and Contemplation

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Educating Amidst the Trauma of Sustained Chaotic Turmoil

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
May 03, 2020 / 0 comments

Simultaneously, in most places around the globe, children are home, teachers are instructing in a whole new way, and the threat of an unseen virus is at the heart of it all. We scroll through the memes measuring this time akin to Groundhog’s Day; some of us feel safe at home, while others feel ‘stuck’ in a cycle with an unknown ending.

Through it all, our students are taking in this new ‘normal’ of sorts.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Let The Nature Conservancy Help You Find Great Birds Around the Great Lakes

Millions of birds will fly over the Great Lakes region this spring as they migrate north to their summer breeding grounds, but many populations of bird species are declining and in peril, according to ornithology experts at The Nature Conservancy (TNC).

Black throated blue warbler. From Let The Nature Conservancy Help You Find Great Birds Around the Great Lakes
Black throated blue warbler

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: Candace Rose Rardon on Stuff Every Tea Lover Should Know

One of our favorite artists, Candace Rose Rardon, is back with a book! Stuff Every Tea Lover Should Know, published by Quirk Books, is a fantastic and comforting read. We have published an excerpt from the book: Tea Tasting 101 – click to read.

Hope as a Companion: Music for the Journey

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Apr 20, 2020 / 0 comments

There are so many ways music can speak to, and with, these shifting and changing times. For this part of the adventure of Music for Shifting Times, come along on a journey that takes in dark and light, but always with hope as a companion.

Hope as a Companion: Music for the Journey

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read this: Living a Big Life in Patricia Leavy’s Candy Floss Collection

Want to read about living a big life? One that is honest, searching, and includes relatable characters? One of our favorite authors, Patricia Leavy, is back with a collection of 3 novels, re-released in her new book, Candy Floss Collection. We love–and highly recommend–it!

Read this: Living a Big Life in Patricia Leavy’s Candy Floss Collection
