
Rosie Carbo's picture

Texas Travel Industry Draws Insiders to Summit

The Texas Travel Industry Association, an Austin-based nonprofit organization, is holding its 30th annual summit at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in downtown San Antonio this week. Dozens of TTIA members from across the Lone Star State are expected to attend. 

These are not the state of Texas travel marketers who gave us the slogan, “TEXAS It’s Like a Whole Other Country,” or “Remember the Alamo.” TTIA members are employed by or own a travel-related business in Texas.

Lisa Doctor's picture

A Backpack Full of Dreams

The thirty-nine ESL students, dark eyed and dark complexioned, each took their turn telling me their name and their country of origin. Mexico. El Salvador. Honduras. Cuba. Peru. Colombia. Ecuador. Lebanon. India. China. Korea.

A Backpack Full of Dreams

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Traveling the World? What Do You Want to See? One Family's Global Education

It is with great, great pleasure that I share with you a remarkable story and video. It comes from Alex Berger, a friend and fellow international educator, who runs a fantastic site called Virtual Wayfarer (here's our interview with him!).

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

#StudyAbroadBecause It Can Change Your Reality

Michelle Belair is a wanderer, social worker, and writer who aims to share the beauty of the world - the nature that creates it and the individuals that inhabit it. With an interest in travel, self-development, and vegan living, she believes that the best way to live is by fueling your heart and energy with all the things that bring you joy and passion. To read more from Michelle, follow her at She studied abroad in Barbados.

Three Tows to Shore: Misadventures on Lake Huron

by Brianna Krueger /
Brianna Krueger's picture
Sep 14, 2015 / 0 comments

Everyone on the boat – Check. Enough life jackets – After a minor delay, Check. Gas – Check. Already completed half the trip – Check.

Three Tows to Shore: Misadventures on Lake Huron

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

#StudyAbroadBecause you will see the beauty of the unknown

Originating from Paradise, Newfoundland, Morgan Chafe is completing her Bachelor of Commerce (Co-op) with a concentration in the field of Marketing and Communications at Memorial University. She is a lover of fashion, politics, travel and food while living on a student budget. Some of her favourite things include: coffee, Netflix, lipstick and peonies. Follow her on twitter and instagram @MorganChafe.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

A Storytelling Workshop in Morocco

Deep Travel returns to Morocco this October, inviting you on a nine-day workshop to help preserve a fading art form: storytelling.

Morocco's ancient storytelling tradition stretches back over 1,000 years. For generations, masters of the art performed their iconic tales in Marrakech's main square, Jamaa el Fna. But in these days of TV and Internet, such a subtle art form is being lost.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Undefeated: The Story of Shepler’s Mackinac Island Ferry

There are a few things that Michiganders know, growing up. One is the beauty of a Michigan winter (good thing, because it is very snowy and cold!). Second is the incredible landscape we live in, from beaches to mountains, city to rural, and even a few islands thrown in. Another is our strong work ethic – arising from our northern European ancestors, and strengthened through winter and landscape. We honor this work ethic here, in a variety of ways.

All Aboard the Sloop John B

There comes a time, in every holiday, where there is a high-point every bit as evocative as the view from the Eiffel Tower or the sight of the Acropolis, or a dip in a lagoon in Bora Bora – and I am not talking bomb crater in Afghanistan here! I’m talking about that most pleasurable of moments when you say, “I’m going home.” It happens no matter how great the holiday has been, no matter how many “I don’t want this to end” moments you have had.

Collaborations: Stories Told in Word and Melody

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Aug 17, 2015 / 0 comments

Music is a collaborative art and a solitary one -- solitary at times in creation and at practice and study, collaborative with listeners, other players and singers, and at times, with musicians who are also partners in life. From the landscapes and traditions of Cape Breton, Ontario, Texas, Ireland, and Boston, among other places, Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy, Bruce Robison and Kelly Willis, and Matt and Shannon Heaton draw their stories told in word and melody...
