
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This! There’s a Yeti in My Tummy

We’ve got such an incredible read aloud book to share with you today! There's a Yeti in my Tummy, written by Meredith Rusu with illustrations by Martín Morón, is a fun, playful read that teaches much to both parents and kids. Let me explain…

Read This! There’s a Yeti in My Tummy

Ed Forteau's picture

From Teacher To Entrepreneur: How To Turn Your Skills Into Business Acumen

Teaching is more than just a career choice. It’s also a journey that gives you valuable skills that you can utilize outside of the classroom. The average teacher has 14 years of experience under their belt and a whole wealth of knowledge of skills. When you pair that up with the invaluable experiences of traveling the world, you’re undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with.

Mindy Bingham's picture

Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Your Children’s Future Self-Sufficiency

There’s no denying that during elementary school, children learn fundamental skills including writing, math, critical thinking, and problem-solving. The introduction of artificial intelligence may hinder their ability to think for themselves and stifle their creativity. 

So, what is the solution? Until a child is literate, can read and comprehend what they are reading, write clearly and convincingly, and compute through basic algebra using only their own brainpower, do not introduce artificial intelligence into the elementary classroom.

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Getting your groove back

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Aug 07, 2023 / 0 comments

I grew up on Long Island, New York. Summer was and is my favourite season. For as long as I can remember, summertime meant my summer camp second home, and the moment I could drive meant any spare time spent at the beach. The ocean and sand are so much a part of me that I moved to live beside them for a decade (and later flipped coasts to relish their brilliance all year long).

Seeing Our Students: Understanding How Lenses Shape Our Teaching

by Lacey Robinson / Aug 05, 2023 / 0 comments

What I couldn’t articulate in my early career track as a teacher was that whenever I observed environments where students of color were present, I noticed the ways that implicit bias may have been at play in their learning and school environments. For instance, bias is obvious to me in school hallways in which children are walking single file, with bubbles in their mouths, to prevent them from talking to each other. This ill-advised classroom management strategy asks kids to close their lips and puff their cheeks, as if they are holding a bubble.

Lexa Pennington's picture

How to Improve Your Career As a Teacher

Choosing a career in teaching can be fulfilling, especially for those dedicated to positively shaping students' futures. However, after gaining substantial classroom experience, many educators look for growth opportunities in education or other sectors that allow them to continue making a difference while advancing professionally if you're a teacher considering a career change.

Ed Forteau's picture

The Best Ways to Learn a Language Abroad

Although it can be among the toughest things to do, learning a language can give individuals a sense of achievement like none other. A lot of work, patience, effort, and dedication goes into getting to grips with a new dialect, but it can be gratifying once it has been achieved.

The Best Ways to Learn a Language Abroad

Asako Maruoka's picture

Tips for Pursuing a Postgraduate Degree Abroad

While many would prefer building a career after finishing college, the option of undergoing continuing education in a foreign land is within your reach. For one, applying for a Masters program in another country helps you unlock numerous opportunities for personal and professional development. Studying abroad also widens your intellectual and cultural horizons by exposing you to a diverse range of perspectives. 

Asako Maruoka's picture

College Housing Tips for Your Senior Year

Your housing choice can have a major impact on your college experience. Making the right choice is much more important than many think. It can impact everything from making friends to how much time you get to study. There are a few factors you can consider to make your search and choice that much easier. If you are looking for tips for choosing your housing in your senior year, here are some of the best.  

College Housing Tips for Your Senior Year

Through the Eyes of an Educator: From Waiting to Action—Empowering Our Inner Badass

by Stacey Ebert /
Stacey Ebert's picture
Jul 05, 2023 / 0 comments

In the northern hemisphere, it’s officially summer. It’s the season where shoes are optional, schedules flung out the window, and s’mores an everyday occurrence. It includes days of drippy ices, water-logged joy, and vitamin D drenched humans. We adventure easily, leap without question, and reacquaint ourselves with risk. 
