
Bert Maxwell's picture

Hotels by Day, Meetings by Night

So it’s finally happened, or perhaps happened again for the thousandth time. You’ve been assigned a task out of town and you need to attend an important meeting. There are a million things that can go wrong and your schedule is already packed.

Lexa Pennington's picture

Wine for Life: Getting the Most Out of a Wine Tour and Learning How to Make Wine


If you’re a fan of French wine, what better way to spend a holiday than exploring the vineyards on offer in this part of Europe and learning about the process of making this delicious tipple? 

Wine for Life - Getting the Most Out of a Wine Tour and Learning How to Make Wine

Florida Culture for the Week of August 17, 2015 by Josh Garrick

Florida Culture for the Week of August 17, 2015 by Josh Garrick

TONIGHT -- Aug 17 -- Rimma & Friends presented by the Orlando Philharmonic

Yes, You Should Vacation With Your Extended Family

by Brianna Krueger /
Brianna Krueger's picture
Aug 10, 2015 / 0 comments

Recently, articles have been popping up about whether you should vacation with your extended family, and the answer is a big, fat YES! Whether your family is close and already does it, or you barely know your cousins and think of them as strangers. You should vacation with your extended family, because something special happens when you do.

Lexa Pennington's picture

Broadening Your Horizons in Bulgaria

Traveling can be one of the best forms of personal development. It can offer many opportunities to learn new information, skills and behaviors. These experiences can add depth of character and also help you excel in the workplace.

Experiencing new people and places

Truly educational travel is about meeting new people and experiencing local foods, sights, and sounds.

Jungle Walks and Bottled Hope: Rainforest Ways

by ChristaD / Aug 07, 2015 / 0 comments

A Note from ChristaD, Education and the Rainforest Editor:  
This post was written by Kailini C., a high school student from the Gunston School in Maryland.  Kailani is a participant in the 2015 Amazon Workshops Student Field Reporter Project which enlisted the help of several students to share their 2015 Amazon experiences with us. Over the coming months, the Education and the Rainforest posts will feature Kailani's words, photos, and reflections – giving you a student's perspective on travel to the Amazon and its educational impact!  

Lin Yuhan's picture

#StudyAbroadBecause there are unlimited resources

Li Guo is an international student from China. She just graduated from University of Pittsburgh with a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting. She has been studying for the GRE test during summer. Recently, she just moved to Cambridge, MA area to job-hunt. In her leisure time, she enjoys exploring nature, such as hiking, biking, and fishing. 

Lexa Pennington's picture

Dream destinations for a historical holiday

Planning a holiday? Why not plan a holiday which will soothe your mind and at the same time help you upgrade yourself with some interesting facts which are buried deep into the histories of the country. Every country has a story of its own and unfolding its history is equally intriguing. So, if you are looking for some interesting destinations for a historical holiday, we can help you find one. Some of the dream destinations for a historical holiday are India, Peru, United Kingdom, Rome and Greece, here’s why….

Stacey Ebert's picture

Through the Eyes of an Educator: Prague, Czech Republic

For some reason, as a teenager, I dreamt of Prague. I’d heard tell of it in movies and books, and I really wanted to go. Maybe it was all those fairytales from my childhood that made me want to visit, or perhaps it was the history of my roots I knew attached; either way, I was intrigued. That’s the type of interest teachers wish for their students. Some have that innate desire to stand in the places of history or check out the culinary wonders of a new world.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Closing the book: Travels in Life, Loss, and Literature


This is the most beautiful book I have ever read. It’s at once a memoir, an ode to favorite literature, a glimpse into teaching – and writing. Joelle Renstrom’s new book, Closing the book: Travels in Life, Loss, and Literature, is a work of art. 
