
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Acadian History Comes Alive in a New Brunswick Village

A glimpse into Acadian history at New Brunswick's Village Historique Acadien - Acadian Historical Village (VHA) showcases the daily lives of Acadians in New Brunswick over a period of several hundred years.

A Guide to Abbeys and Cathedrals in the UK

by Heather Robinette /
Heather Robinette's picture
Nov 20, 2015 / 0 comments

Some of the most recognizable abbeys and cathedrals in the UK are visited often, but taking some time to visit other abbeys and cathedrals provides you with a chance to see a variety of less crowded places. During my time in London, I saw three abbeys and two cathedrals. Why should you make time to explore abbeys and cathedrals? You have the opportunity to enjoy history and see it come to life. You won’t want to pass up the chance to experience a unique part of the United Kingdom!

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Newfoundland and Labrador History Comes Alive at The Rooms

Where can you go to learn about the history, culture, and art of Newfoundland – on the site of an historic fort and a fire department from long ago? 

Newfoundland and Labrador History Comes Alive at The Rooms

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Undefeated: The Story of Shepler’s Mackinac Island Ferry

There are a few things that Michiganders know, growing up. One is the beauty of a Michigan winter (good thing, because it is very snowy and cold!). Second is the incredible landscape we live in, from beaches to mountains, city to rural, and even a few islands thrown in. Another is our strong work ethic – arising from our northern European ancestors, and strengthened through winter and landscape. We honor this work ethic here, in a variety of ways.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

5 Reasons to Visit Tsilivi, Greece

Located on the northeast coast of the island of Zante, Greece, Tsilivi offers many things for all kinds of travelers - an excellent beach, a waterpark (Splash Fun), Fantasy mini golf, tavernas galore, shopping, great food, plenty of vineyards and that feel of an old fishing village, mixed with travelers enjoying themselves.

San Antonio Spanish Missions Now World Heritage Destinations

by Rosie Carbo /
Rosie Carbo's picture
Aug 14, 2015 / 0 comments

San Antonio is a city that never sleeps. Hordes of tourists, cameras at the ready, vie for space on noisy, downtown sidewalks near the busy River Walk. Visitors snap photos in front of Ripley’s Believe It or Not, Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks, or along a string of souvenir shops. 

Across the street at the Alamo Plaza, another throng mills around the San Antonio de Valero mission entrance. More intent on proving they saw a historic site, these tourists shoot selfies in front of “The Alamo,” the best known Texas landmark.

Lexa Pennington's picture

Dream destinations for a historical holiday

Planning a holiday? Why not plan a holiday which will soothe your mind and at the same time help you upgrade yourself with some interesting facts which are buried deep into the histories of the country. Every country has a story of its own and unfolding its history is equally intriguing. So, if you are looking for some interesting destinations for a historical holiday, we can help you find one. Some of the dream destinations for a historical holiday are India, Peru, United Kingdom, Rome and Greece, here’s why….

7/7 Bombings: 10th Anniversary of the London Attacks

by Heather Robinette /
Heather Robinette's picture
Jul 17, 2015 / 0 comments

Ten years ago this month, London experienced an attack similar to 9/11 in the United States. Until I studied abroad in London, I had not heard of the attacks. Studying abroad helped me not only learn more about London’s history, but becoming a global citizen. Since returning to the United States, I have paid more attention to world events and the effects they can have across multiple countries. Taking the time to learn about events, such as the attacks, can help give you a better understanding of the people and the culture.

Philadelphia Liberty Trail

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Jun 29, 2015 / 0 comments

My grandfather was a history professor and Benjamin Franklin scholar. We grew up playing fun games with him - like giving him a random date and he'd tell us something cool that happened on that date, or he'd drop interesting tidbits about historical people, and we'd try to guess who they were - he built a love of history in us that has enriched our lives. Friends of mine recently penned a new book that I know he'd have loved: Philadelphia Liberty Trail: Trace the Path of America's Heritage.

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Visiting the House of the Mother Mary

A place of peace, serenity, and hope. I felt all of these – and a gentle wash of kindness – as I ventured up the path toward the House of the Virgin Mary, or Mother Mary (Meryem Ana), located just a few miles away from the busyness of the ruins at Ephesus, Turkey. 

It was a hot day in spring, and we had a very important stop before exploring Ephesus. We were visiting a place of pilgrimage for many global religions – that of the House of Mother Mary
