
Lexa Pennington's picture

Where to Go in the UK for Outdoor Enthusiasts

The UK is blessed with gorgeous places offering endless opportunities for every outdoor enthusiast. Sure, sometimes the weather is not in your favour, but if you've got countless national parks perfect for hiking and stunning beaches offering an ideal setting for water sports, the bad weather won't ruin your day. From the scenic lakes of the Lake District to the postcard-perfect beaches on the Isle of Wight, here's where to go in the UK for outdoor enthusiasts.

Music for Autumn's Landscapes

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Nov 15, 2021 / 0 comments

Shadows slant differently in autumn light. Nights draw in sooner; there may be an edge to the wind. That wind often plays music on the rustling leaves as they turn to autumn's colors of red and gold.

It is a time of gathering as well as solitude, of reflection as well as celebration. All these take place in the frame of the natural world. Those changes and connections are subjects artists often turn to for reflection themselves.

May this music aid in your reflections and actions on the changes of this autumn season.

Exploring Nature in Music

by Kerry Dexter /
Kerry Dexter's picture
Jun 21, 2021 / 0 comments

Nature is a deep source of inspiration for musicians. At times, that might lead to a symphony, or a concerto. It might lead to a children's song, a dance tune, or a hymn. There are many paths to explore and consider nature through music, through stories of weather, time, space, landscape, and many more aspects.

Exploring Nature in Music

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Read This: Hidden Gems of the Northern Great Lakes: A Trail and Paddling Guide

We are SO excited to share an extraordinary new book by writer, photographer, and paddler Madeline Marquardt, entitled Hidden Gems of the Northern Great Lakes: A Trail and Paddling Guide. She has worked as a sea kayaking guide in the Apostle Islands, English teacher in Armenia, and paddled and hiked extensively throughout the Lake Superior Reg

Madeline Marquardt's picture

Top Five Hidden Gems in Michigan for Hikers and Paddlers

Publisher's note: We absolutely LOVE this book. Click here to read our author interview! 

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Photographer Spotlight: Paul Sorrell

Always entranced by birds, I can never get enough of birdwatching–whether outside in real life, or (especially in winter) via books and the internet. We were lucky enough to publish an excerpt from renowned wildlife photographer Paul Sorrell’s new book, Getting Closer

Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture

Story in the Snow at the National Elk Refuge, Wyoming

Snow can reveal the mysterious lives of critters in the night.

These tracks were made by elk. The tracks indicate that elk were zig-zagging through the snow, digging for vegetation buried beneath.

Story in the Snow at the National Elk Refuge, Wyoming

Kerry Dexter's picture

Sir David Attenborough's Journeys to the Other Side of the World: Further Adventures of a Young Naturalist

You might perhaps be familiar with Sir David Attenborough as creator and presenter of well-known and much-awarded television and radio programs including Life on Earth, Civilization, and Blue Planet. He's an elder statesman of sorts of broadcasting, a respected spokesperson for the natural world and about climate change.

Lillie Forteau's picture

Eat This! Wilderness Cooking with Expert Ray Mears...and an Extraordinary French Onion Soup Recipe

Want a cookbook that is interesting, unique, teaches much about cooking and eating outdoors, AND has incredible recipes? Look no further than Wilderness Chef: The Ultimate Guide to Cooking Outdoors, the latest book by Ray Mears. Ray is an authority on the subject of Bushcraft and Survival. He has also become a household name through his various television series, including Tracks, World of Survival, Trips Money Can't Buy with Ewan McGregor, The Real Heroes of Telemark, and many more.

The Most Important Book You Can Read With Your Kids

by Dr. Jessie Voigts /
Dr. Jessie Voigts's picture
Jul 27, 2020 / 0 comments

One of our very favorite people in the world (not to mention one of our very favorite artists: read our profile with her here!), Lara Smith, has a new book that, honestly, is a must for any parent or educator to share with their kids.
